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that was the sound of two skaters colliding and falling onto the ice.

i shut my eyes and hoped that my body wasn't sliced by this other person's skates. "shit." was the first thing i heard. "i'm so sorry." the other person was practically on top of me before they shot off my body to stand up.

i opened one eye and looked at the culprit. my eyes scanned his body and i quickly found some things that made him stand out. helmet on his head, hockey stick in hand, full equipment and gear on his body.

"am i bleeding?" i asked bluntly which made the guy whip off his helmet and look down at me, his eyes widened.

his eyes looked over my body before he let out a sigh of relief. or what i hoped was relief. "you're not bleeding."

"good. you better not have made me bleed. you're not bleeding either if you were wondering." i didn't see any splotches of red on him, so we were good.

the guy stood up first and held his hand out to me. "i'm so sorry again. i didn't even see you. i was reckless."

"it's okay." i took his hand and he helped to pull me up. "i think that's a sign that im done for the day." i brushed my hands over my body before looking down at myself. no blood.

that was a heavy fear of mine while skating. that i would fall and some body part of mine would get sliced. i cannot handle blood. i just get so squeamish.

"still. i'm sorry." the guy also seemed to be done skating for the day because he skated with me when i went to the exit.

"it's okay. just an honest mistake." i told him and stepped off the ice. i sat down on the bench in front of it and began to take off my skates.

"i feel horrible." the guilt was clear on his guy's face so i didn't doubt that. "if i could make it up to you in any way."

"dude, seriously. i'm okay." i couldn't care about this enough to hold a grudge and didn't really mind our small incident. it was a harmless fall and neither of us were hurt. "are you okay?"

"i'm good." he nodded. "used to being shoved around, so that was nothing," he sat down and did the same thing as me, removing his skates.

"used to being shoved around.." i repeated his words. "you getting bullied or something?" i questioned and he snapped his head over to me.

"what? no. i'm a hockey player. i'm getting shoved and shoved against the glass all the time." he answered me and cleaned up my confusion.

"ohh. you know, that makes more sense." i clearly looked over him for the first time. and whoa. i should've looked sooner.

his baggy shirt sleeves were rolled up to his elbows and he started to discard his elbow and kneepads. he used his teeth to take off the elbow pads and if that wasn't attractive i don't know what would be.

his hair was dark brown and all ruffled on the top of his head. since i was sitting next to him, i could see his side profile and his sharp jawline. i would be lying if i said this guy wasn't attractive.

i shook my head and pulled myself out of checking out this guy i just met. "you don't seem the type to get bullied anyway." i stood up and he looked over to me.

"hey, do you go to seijoh university?" i watched as he hurried to take off his knee pad before grabbing a bag under the seat next to him and shoving them in there.

it wasn't until he asked that question did i realize what exactly he was wearing. a certain shade of blue-green and white. the same colors of my university.

"you go to seijoh." i said more as a statement than a question. he looked down at his own shirt and looked back up at me.

"yeah, what gave it away?"

"lucky guess." i began walking towards the door that led to the changing rooms. the guy followed behind me, but also kept his distance.

"i'm iwaizumi hajime."

"i'm l/n y/n, but i go by y/n." his name was familiar now that i thought about it. a good hockey player and co-captain of the team.

"i've never seen you around." i paused for a second before turning around to look at him.

"class four." i threw out that piece of information at him. not sure why, but it slipped out of my mouth before i could stop.

"i'll keep that in mind." he said before we had to spilt because of the locker rooms. "if you ever need anything or think of anything i can do to repay you for today, let me know."

"it was on small accident." i placed my palm on the door and pushed it open but turned my head to look back at him. "i don't hold grudges, you can go on with your life debt free."

"i still feel bad." he tapped his fingers against his hockey stick while he talked. "so, find me if you ever think of anything." he walked off before i could tell him i didn't need him to repay me.

i just walked into the locker room and got all my things together. i changed before i left and felt a pressured feeling on the side of my leg when i took my leggings off.

i looked down at my leg and poked at the spot where it felt pressured and when my finger pressed the spot, it hurt.

"oh come on." i mumbled to myself before grabbing a pair of sweatpants and pulled them on. "that better not bruise tomorrow." i grabbed my bag and turned to leave the ice center.

the next morning, i woke up for school and found the side of my leg had indeed bruised.

don't blame me - h. iwaizumiWhere stories live. Discover now