The Three Amigos

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[Lady] *grabs katana* Bet, letz git then, i'm ready! Jiiiiiiirrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!

Nestled among the border of Tounyth a tropical island emerges like a verdant jewel in the sun-kissed expanse of the sea. Towering palm trees sway gently in the warm breeze, their emerald fronds rustling melodically as if whispering secrets of the sea. The air is thick with the fragrance of tropical blooms, their vibrant hues painting a riotous tapestry against the backdrop of lush greenery. There are not many civilians there, but there is a small marine base nearby along with a little village. Lady, Jirachi, and a few other marines reside there, and Chansu occasionally visits because he likes the view.

[Jirachi] Huh?

They are all currently gathered in the marine base's leisure area, which has couches, a pool table, and a small library. Confused, Jirachi enters the room from another after hearing Lady scream.

[Jirachi] What is like...up?

[Lady] Yo' didn't hea tha alarm?

[Jirachi] Nah...why?

[Chansu] We don't know the why part yet, but it must be serious. Grab your gear and let's go.

[Jirachi] Ugh like...I was just like getting comfortable, crap!

[Buraditen] It be like that.

[Chansu] I hate it just as much as you do, but we swore that our duty was to protect.

[Jirachi] Nuh uh, parents made me...

[Lady] Fr. So like wat r' yo' talkin' 'bout.

[Chansu] Gosh you guys...

[Lady] I'm excited tou', I've had nothang ta do, so maybe I can git some action, on mah effin' awn tahms

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[Lady] I'm excited tou', I've had nothang ta do, so maybe I can git some action, on mah effin' awn tahms.

[Jirachi] I'm fine with like relaxing and just like...getting a paycheck.

Chansu had enough of this braindead conversation so he quickly called aloud to fall everyone into formation. Marines quickly ran from different rooms, and a platoon was made.

[Chansu] Settle down now and listen up. I'm sure you all heard the alarm, so that means we need to head to the main area of the kingdom. As a formation we will jog to the first vessel docked, and set the sails, understood?

[Platoon] Yes, sir!

[Chansu] Okay, well quickly fall out, outside! Fall out!

The platoon fell out and headed outside. While walking through the woodland, navigation proved a little challenging. In some places, the vegetation almost blocked the sky, making it impossible for sunlight to reach the ground and guide them.

[Chansu] Stand behind me, that way we don't get lost or anything.

[Lady] *in her head* Why di eff be dude leadin' da way, aren't me platoon leada...? Oh well.

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