03: Brother & Sister Meet Again At Last

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Vilkas was lucky to have a profile on Michael

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Vilkas was lucky to have a profile on Michael. And he managed to track him to his apartment. Lucian and the other lycans were near by.

Something else was bothering him. It was the death dealer with two guns. Her scent, while vampiric, there was more to her. Again, there was something familiar about her.

He would have told this to Lucian, but he needed to know more first.

If this Michael Corvin can help the lycans end this war, then he will do everything he can to bring him in alive. And kill any vampire if he must.

Once he was in the apartment, Vilkas was near the door of Michael when he heard the voice someone. "Hey Michael, it's Adam. The police were just in the hospital looking for you. They were convinced you were involved with a shootout. I told them there's no way you'd be involved with something like that but they're looking for you. Right now."

Vilkas knows those are not police. Those are lycans sent to see if he might be at the hospital. But judging from how strong the scent is? Michael is in his apartment. But... he wasn't alone.

He smells a vampire. One at least. And it's the same one in the subway station.

He has a strange feeling about this. Like he's in for a big surprise. Or as one would put it, the shock of his life.

He enters Michael's apartment and the man himself spins along and before he can say or shout, Vilkas covers his mouth. "Hey, Michael. Listen, I'm not your enemy, I'm your ally. I'm going to need you to come with me."

"Why? Why should I trust anything you say?" Michael wouldn't take the word of a stranger. Not that Vilkas would blame him. After all, if he was in his shoes, he would have asked the same questions.

"Look I can explain all...." There's that scent again. Vilkas can sense the death dealer. "Get behind me, now!" Vilkas was going to draw his bow, when he felt the coldness of the gun touching the back of his neck.

"Why are you after him? What do you want with him?"

Vilkas' body tensed. He recognized not only the scent (as her smell was closer for him to sniff) but he also recognized that voice. He hadn't heard that voice in centuries. Not since...

He turns around, slowly, hoping this was just his mind playing tricks on him. That this was just him going crazy.

And as he did look at the vampiric death dealer, his skin goes paler, as he sees a face he hadn't seen in a long time. A face he knows all to well. A face he thought was dead.

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