04: Truth & Lies

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When Selene awakens, she finds her wound has healed

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When Selene awakens, she finds her wound has healed. She lays under the pier until night, then drives the unconscious Michael to Ördögház.

This whole time she was doing this, she wonders on how could this have been possible. She thought her brother died on his last hunt. But he didn't. He was turned into a lycan and now he's not only Lucian's third in command, he's The Dead Wolf she's been hearing so much about.

All this time her brother has been fighting against her kind, killing them left and right. All this time he was alive and became an immortal. A lycan.

For years Selene was chasing her brother who is The Dread Wolf. Throughout the entire Coven, he instilled fear and paranoia to most if not all vampires. He was practically the monster of their story. A monster that she's related to.

It had to be a mistake. It should have been a mistake. If Selene didn't know any better, she would have thought it was. But she knows her brother's face. Even if it's been centuries. She knows. Which makes her job in killing all lycans, much less him much harder.

She was told by Viktor that it was the lycans that murdered her family and yet Vilkas is a lycan. Did Lucian lied to him? Did he fill him with the lies that vampires are the villains in this conflict? Those were questions that Selene need to find answers on.


It was about a half-hour later when Selene went to find some answers in the forbidden library. Looking into the past was strictly forbidden, so the fact that she is even considering it meant she was quite determined and fully ready to accept the consequences of breaking this taboo.

She went looking for the vampire "family" tree. Legends say that Viktor is the oldest vampire but would would have doubts about that.

He is quite defensive on the subject and he says that Marcus is a descendant of Alexander Corvinus. But it doesn't make sense to Selene because Alexander is the father of both vampires and lycans.

🐺 Selene's POV🧛🏻

Apparently Kraven was the only surviving vampire during the fall of Lucian. He proved that he slew Lucian by showing the council the branded skin from his arm, but the picture of Lucian was burned so no one could make out his face but the necklace in the drawing is the same one that I saw fighting him and... my brother.

But why would Kraven allow him to live? It would have been more impressive to bring back Lucian's head than just his brand.

Whatever it is, my brother is in the middle of this. And I need to find him before I lose him forever.

This whole time he was The Dread Wolf. Killing off Vampire Covens one by one. He must have been told by Lucian that vampires are the ones that started this war.


I quickly left the library to go and find
Michael. As I was walking out and down the hallway, Erica came towards me. "I've been looking for you." I ignored her but stopped when she said these three words "He's been bitten"

🐺 Vilkas' POV🧛🏻

I cannot believe what I just saw. Selene. My own sister. A vampire. A death dealer. Turned by Viktor. The very elder vampire that killed my family.

Father. Mother. Cecilia. Elena. Elaine... I thought Selene was dead. I should have known. I should have known she was taken! I didn't find her body! That bastard not only murdered my family, he lied and turned my sister! Into a vampire!

I punched the walls of our lair in fury. All the more reasons why I want to kill Viktor right now! He did this! The war, my family, Selene, all of it! And I swear he's gonna die for this. I've waited too long for this.

Why did he do it? Why turn my sister? What did he see in her?

I sensed Lucian nearby and I got up and faced him. A look of concern forms on his face. "I'm sorry. We should've known."

"It's not your fault, Lucian. It's his." He knows I meant Viktor. "As if his treachery wasn't worse enough. It was bad enough he murdered my family. But he turned my sister into one of the most formidable Death Dealers of all time."

"I understand your anger, Vilkas. More then you ever know. You know I was a slave to him. You know how our kind was treated. And he took my wife and unborn child away from me. With Michael, this war will end. I'm sure of it. With your help, it will be possible." Lucian tried to reassure me. But... I can't bring myself to kill Selene.

"Selene doesn't know the truth." I just realized. "Viktor didn't tell her the truth. If we tell her..."

"You think she will join us?" I sensed his doubt. Through his voice. "She's killed plenty of our kind, Vilkas. I understand she's your family. Your blood. But these brothers and sisters are our your family."

"I know that, Lucian. More than you know. But do you know what it feels like to be back home, to your family, only to find out that they've been killed by someone like Viktor?" I asked him and the look on his face says he doesn't. "I buried my nieces. My sister, my mother and father. And I thought I would never see Selene again. My twin sister. And now that she's alive, she must know the truth. I know she will make the right choice. You have to trust me, Lucian."

"I do trust you, Vilkas. It's her I don't trust. She's been a vampire for 600 years. A death dealer thats been hunting us for that long. Could you honestly believe that she will switch sides when she learns the truth about her dark father?" Lucian asked me, thinking I would not have an answer for him.

"I have to believe that."

Whether my sister is a vampire or not, she's still my blood. My twin. Viktor has taken enough from me. From all of us. I will not lose her too.

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