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Skye’s POV

I had only been at the party a short while and I already regretted coming here with Lincoln, he was taking this fake boyfriend thing too seriously. He had finally left me alone for a few minutes to go get another beer and Taylor was making the most of it. “What’s going on between you and Linc?” she whispered in a frenzy, causing me to roll my eyes and down my fourth or fifth beer. “He’s helping me get over Wesley” I explained, hoping that would be enough to satisfy her and mean we could discuss a different topic. But in true boy crazy fashion Taylor wanted to push it further, “Yea I bet he is", she said with a wink. I was starting to get annoyed, it wasn’t Taylor’s fault but I was in a horrible mood and was wishing I never asked Lincoln for his help. He had been way too affectionate since we got here and then add in seeing Wesley on the beach earlier and having him not even care that I was with Lincoln, I was overly emotional. "He's just a good friend Taylor" I sighed with pent up rage, as Taylor glanced appreciatively in Lincoln's direction. "I wish all my good friends were tall and hot like Linc. You're so lucky" she added, completely oblivious to my rising anger. "There's nothing going on Tay" I made a last ditch effort, "Well there is on his end, he clearly has feelings for you Skye" she gushed at me. Taylor pointing out a fact that couldn't possibly be true sent me over the edge, "Well I love Wesley, so it's irrelevant" I snapped at her.

I immediately recoiled at my admission, I hadn't meant to say it and I from the look on her face I could tell she was confused. I waited while she worked her way through an exaggerated reaction, "Then why aren't you with him?" she quizzed me, "He still loves you, I know he does" but I knew she was wrong. I shook my head in disagreement but before she could continue her argument Lincoln rejoined us, slipping his arm over my shoulder. The whole plan seemed pointless now, I was an idiot for thinking Wesley wouldn't be over me, and most of me knew it was for the best. But that didn't mean it didn't hurt like hell and make me want to crawl into my bed and cry for hours. I shrugged off Linc's arm, which made him look down at me and raise his eyebrows questioning my action. Taylor was distracted, looking around for Drew no doubt so I ushered Lincoln a few feet away. "You're off the hook. The plan was a dumb idea" I told him, hoping he'd be grateful he was free for the summer but he seemed disappointed. "So I won't see you at all?" he asked softly, "We can still hang out, of course" I added quickly. Lincoln closed the gap between us and took my hand in his, I tensed up, I wasn't sure what he was doing. "Skye, I know you think you still have feelings for Wesley but I can't stand seeing you miserable. He doesn't deserve you anyway". Lincoln's face was serious and although he was being sweet, I felt uncomfortable. "I like you, a lot" he continued raising his hand to my neck so I had to look up at him. I got butterflies in my stomach, but not the good kind, the anxious kind, "Just give me a chance" he pleaded. I felt completely unprepared, despite Wesley's warnings while we were together and Taylor's comments earlier, I still hadn't seen this coming.

Lincoln waited for me to say something but I couldn't speak, I had too many thoughts swirling in my brain. I loved Wesley, Wesley didn't love me, Lincoln liked me, I was feeling the effects of the beer. This was all too much, I couldn't handle this and I had no idea how to respond to Lincoln's admission. "I need a minute" I rushed quietly then took a few steps back and practically ran back towards the house. I made my way through a few small group of people and headed towards the front door, wanting to be away from this party. Once out the front I made my way to the end of the drive way and sat behind a parked car on the curb, sucking back a few deep breaths and trying to slow my thoughts. Everything that was happening right now was my fault, I was perpetually miserable because I had broken up with Wesley. Lincoln thought he liked me because we had been spending so much time together but I was such a needy girl. And now Wesley had moved on, I wondered if the constant aching in my heart would ever go away, it had been this way since the day I broke up with him. I was under the impression that time would heal all wounds but my heart still felt like it was in a million pieces.

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