Epilogue Pt 1

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Skye’s POV

I was having a crazy sense of déjà vu, everything felt familiar and I had the weird feeling I had done this before. I looked around the room, I hadn’t been here before, I was sure of it but I recognised it somehow. I ran my hand across my dress, I had known it was the right one instantly, it was like I had already had a picture of it in my head before I saw it. “Skye” my mom’s voice jolted me, “Are you ready?” she asked impatiently. I was pretty sure she was more excited for this day to finally be here than I was. I searched myself, I wasn’t sure I was even excited, all I felt was nervous. Wesley had proposed almost 6 months ago and I hadn’t been surer of anything when I had said yes, but now I was scared. What if this didn’t work out, what if we couldn’t balance his career and our personal lives, what if he found someone else, my mind raced. “Let’s just give her a minute” I heard Taylor’s voice quietly from the other side of the room, and looked up to see her ushering my mom out of the room. I was grateful for the time alone, I knew I was over thinking this but if there was ever a time to properly think things through, now was it. I wondered if all girls have this moment on their wedding day, ‘WEDDING DAY’, my inner voice screamed the words at me. This was my wedding day, this was the day I married Wesley, this was all I wanted, why was I making myself crazy? I felt the nerves slowly slipping from my body, Wesley had done nothing to make me think that this wasn’t everything he wanted too.

My mind flashed back over the past 6 months, from him staying with me while I recovered from the accident, to going on tour with him, to going back to school and him visiting me every week regardless of where he had to fly from. Wesley had even gotten an apartment in Santa Monica so we could stay together when he was home and it wasn’t too far from school. I moved to the mirror suddenly filled with the excitement I had been hoping for and an overwhelming desire to see Wesley. Taylor and Lucy had done a pretty good job with my hair and makeup, blue eyes, freckles on my nose, long blonde hair, I still looked and felt like myself. Taylor almost lost it when I joked about wearing my Vans, but I couldn’t have done all this without her. There was a light knock on the door and I was thankful Taylor and my mom were back, I wanted to tell them how much I appreciated their help. “Come in” I called out and then went about finding my bouquet. Taylor had told me not to lose it and I knew I had put it down somewhere but now I couldn’t find it. “Hey Tay, did you pick up my bouquet?” I asked as the door swung open. There was no response, I assumed she was mad, I looked to the door to see how pissed she was but it wasn’t Taylor or my mom who had come in.

“Lincoln!” I gasped, I froze, I hadn’t seen him since he brought me my phone at the hospital. “What are you doing here?” I questioned him warily, I wasn’t really mad at him anymore, everything had worked out fine but I knew Wesley wasn’t going to like this. He closed the door and took a few steps towards me, causing me to take a few steps backwards, wanting to keep the distance between us. I wasn’t sure why he was here and I didn’t trust him, “I came to see you” he stated simply. Lucy had told me Lincoln had gone travelling when I questioned her as to why he wasn’t back at school, I wondered if she knew he was home. I watched as Lincoln surveyed the room and then me, it was uncomfortable but I really had no choice but to listen to him at this point. “Lucy let it slip that today was the day when I called her last week” he said, “And I knew it was my last chance” he finished. My stomach flipped, this didn’t sound good and I tried to think of a way to get this over with as soon as possible. I moved to stand in front of him, “Lincoln” I began softly, “You’re my friend, and I’m glad that you are but I love Wesley” I explained. Lincoln closed his eyes and sighed in frustration, opening his eyes he looked at me and he was angry, my stomach lurched.

“HOW?” he yelled and I instinctively stepped backwards, “I’ve watched you worry and cry over him, I’ve watched him leave you and put you second, you got hit by a car because you were avoiding him”. Lincoln’s voice was steady but lethal, and I wasn’t sure how to respond. My whole body was tense, did I defend Wesley and risk making him madder or did I just try to smooth the situation over. As I contemplated how to handle the situation Lincoln closed the gap between us, I panicked. “I would never make you cry Skye. I love you” Lincoln said gently and reached to hold my hand. I pulled my hand back, “I know Linc, but I don’t love you” I whispered, wishing to be anywhere but here, looking at the ground. “But you could, just don’t do this, don’t get married” Lincoln’s voice was strained as he pleaded with me. “Let’s just get out of here” he mumbled and before I could tell him this is what I wanted he grabbed my upper arm and pulled me towards the door. “Linc, STOP” I yelled at him as he stormed towards the door and I tried to wrench my arm free.

“I told you to keep your hands off her” Wesley’s voice instantly reduces the fear that had been growing inside of me. My head snaps towards to door that Lincoln had been dragging me to and there he is, right there when I need him, like always. Lincoln finally releases my arm and I watch as Wesley suddenly just punches Lincoln, sending him to the ground. Wesley stands over Lincoln and wails down another punch, and another. I gasp, worried that he may lose it and not stop, and this really isn’t something I want to have happen today. I am about to tell Wesley to let it go but before I can Wesley grabs Lincoln’s shirt, hauls him off the ground and pushes him towards the door. “Just go away Lincoln” Wesley says calmly, “What, you don’t want to finish this?” Lincoln smirks and wipes the blood from his lip. Wesley’s fists tense but his voice remains level, “What I want is to beat the living shit out of you but today isn’t about you. And I don’t want to waste time with you when I am finally about to get to marry the girl that I love”. Lincoln looked to me, waiting for me to say something, but I knew anything I had to say wasn’t going to be what Lincoln wanted to hear. After a few seconds Wesley turned to look at me as well, and I wasn’t sure what they were both expecting me to say. “You should go Lincoln” I mumbled, wanting this whole situation to be over so I could get back to what was meant to be a happy day. Lincoln didn’t say anything, he just quietly disappeared from the room.

“You ok?” Wesley asked, standing in front of me and inspecting me to see if I was hurt. “I’m fine” I told him and he rolled he eyes, “I really am” I laughed. “Wait, how did you know he was here?” I asked, wondering how he had found out, grateful he had found out. “Taylor saw him come in here and she came to get me” Wesley explained, his face filling with concern, “I’m glad she did” he added. I could tell he was worried as to what might have happened if he hadn’t gotten here when he did, Lincoln was pretty intent on me and him leaving. I lifted my hand to Wesley’s face, “Always saving me Stromberg” I giggled, trying to keep the mood light. “Always” he whispered and took my hand from his face and held it in his, bending down to kiss me lightly. Just the feeling of his lips on mine sent a warm sensation through me and I wanted to keep going but we had a wedding to get to. I pulled back, “Shit” I gasped, Wesley raised his eyebrows in panic, “Isn’t it bad luck for you to see me before the actual ceremony thing?” I gushed. Wesley smiled that smile and I felt my knees go weak, I hoped it would always have that effect on me. “Don’t you think we’ve had enough bad luck already?” he grinned and he was right, “Surely it’s all good from here” he added. I smiled, knowing we had been through a lot and still made it here so we must have some good luck on our side.

“And you know what I was thinking?” Wesley quizzed me and I shook my head. “After we are married we should get right on to starting a family”, his words shocking me, surely he was kidding. Wesley laughed at the expression on my face, “Oh, I don’t want a baby for a few years” he clarified and my heart rate began to slow down again, “I just mean I want one eventually and we should start practicing asap” he laughed. I couldn’t help but laugh, “Always so smooth Stromberg” I giggled, “But yes, I will practice with you anytime” I added with a wink. Wesley took that as an invitation and slipped his arms around my waist, pulling me into him and kissing me. I got caught up for a few seconds before I remembered what we were supposed to be doing. I reluctantly pulled away slightly, “I think we have something we are supposed to be doing right now” I murmured against his lips. “Hopefully it is have sex” Wesley joked and I pushed him away, causing him to groan and sulk. “I’ll make you a deal Stromberg” I said playfully, “Let’s go get married, then catch our flight to Hawaii and the whole week we are there on our honeymoon we won’t leave the room”. Wesley grinned, “Make it that we won’t leave the bed and you’ve got a deal”. I rolled my eyes, “Deal” I told him and with that Wesley gave me a quick kiss and headed for the door. He turned back as he opened the door, “This is all I’ve ever wanted you know. You’re all I’ve ever wanted” and then he disappeared. Tears welled in my eyes, damn it, he had a way with words and all I wanted to do was get out there and marry him.

*** I’ll do one last chapter from Wesley’s POV a little further into the future too  xx ***

Broken (a Wesley Stromberg fan fic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon