Twenty Three

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Skye's POV

Wesley made quick work of washing my hair, he had done it a few times when I broke my arm last time. I closed my eyes and just enjoyed the moment, all the love I felt for Wesley rushing back as he took care of me. It was bitter sweet, because I was so thankful he was here but every sweet thing he did would just make it so much harder when he eventually left. I tried to not focus on the leaving part and just make the most of the short time I had with him before he realised he didn't want this. When he was done with my hair he switched off the water and hopped out of the shower, quickly wrapping a towel around his waist. I waited for him to help me out of the shower, he did and then wrapped my pink towel around me. He was so gentle and loving, I just wanted to kiss him and be in his arms again. I had a moment of weakness in the shower and I felt guilty for crying, I knew that was why he had held me. In fact I was completely embarrassed by my whole scene downstairs, but I was exhausted and weak and hearing him yell at me made me snap. I regretted telling him what I had, it was all true but it had only led to him feeling sorry for me, which I didn't want. Wesley looked at the tape that sealed the plastic wrap to my skin, "This going to sting a bit" he said as he gently pulled on the tape on my upper arm. I was too distracted replaying his text in my head to notice, plus this stinging was nothing compared to the pain of being hit by a car. 'I shouldn't have even proposed' I remembered his words and I knew that if I tried anything with Wesley now he wouldn't stop me because he felt so sorry for me. Plus it really is better this way I reminded myself, he doesn't need a problematic and useless girlfriend.

Once I was free of plastic wrap Wesley helped me to my room, walking was so much easier with him here, everything was so much easier. He sat me on the bed and then went about getting some fresh clothes from the dresser. "Just shorts and a singlet" I directed him and he tossed me what I requested along with clean underwear. Wesley disappeared back into the bathroom and I awkwardly went about getting dressed. He returned a few minutes later fully dressed, carrying my hairbrush and sat down behind me. "You can just leave it down" I told Wesley as he tried to tie up my hair, but he was struggling. He had just finished brushing it, and was concentrating so hard trying to put it into a ponytail. "You prefer it up though" he whined, "I'm just thankful it's washed" I told him honestly and ran my right hand through my long, wet blonde hair. I felt so much better and I wasn't sure if it was the shower or Wesley but I assumed both. I laid back on the end of my bed, "It's so nice to be in my own bed" I said and yawned, suddenly overcome with tiredness. "You should try and get some sleep" Wesley suggested gently but I knew from the past few days that it wasn't likely to happen.

Wesley stood up off the bed and I panicked, he was leaving, "Don't go" I blurted out. I kicked myself for sounding so desperate, but my anxiety settled when he smiled down at me. "I'm not going anywhere" he explained and pulled back the blanket on my bed then moved to stand over me. He leaned down, slid his hands under me and gently picked me up. I rested my head on his shoulder and breathed him in, I missed the feeling of his soft tshirt and the smell of him. He placed me back on the bed gently, I rolled onto my right side, and then he pulled the blanket back up and over me. I tensed, and winced feeling it in my ribs, waiting to see what he was going to do. I let out the breath I didn't know I had been holding as he slid into the bed behind me and lightly placed his arm over me. Warmth seeped into me, I felt safe and happy, and although I knew he was just here because he wanted to be friends, I didn't care. Any time spent with Wesley was worth it, in whatever capacity he wanted. I closed my eyes and for the first time since I got home I didn't see anything.


"Happy eighteenth birthday beautiful girl" I felt Wesley's breath on my ear as he whispered to me. I smiled knowing that when I opened my eyes I would be looking at quite possibly the cutest boy in the world, who also happened to be my boyfriend. I felt his lips on my cheek as he kissed me lightly, then again on my smiling lips. "Wake up so I can give you your presents" he mumbled against my lips and my eyes flew open. Wesley pulled back slightly, "I thought the idea of a presents might do the trick" he laughed. I was stunned, surely this whole road trip and hotel stay was my present, I shook my head in disbelief. "You got me presents?" I enquired, hoping it was just a joke to get me to wake up, I already felt spoilt. Wesley laughed at my question, "Of course. It's your birthday. It's customary for people to give you gifts" he grinned at my seeming lack of understanding of birthdays. "I thought this was my present" I explained, gesturing around the hotel room, "This is enough Wesley. More than an enough" I confirmed, wanting him to know how thankful I was. He rolled his eyes and jumped up off the bed, retrieving something from his bag.

He bounced back onto the bed, and I saw he had a present in each hand wrapped in bright pink wrapping paper. He placed them on the bed, he was smiling that smile and his excitement was infectious. I sat up, matching his grin as he handed me a present. "I like the wrapping paper" I giggled as I unwrapped it slowly, noticing the Vans logo on the top of the box as I pulled the paper away. "No way" I squealed and ripped open the box to reveal brand new pink Vans. "I thought you might want to change it up from your usual white ones" Wesley explained. I placed the box on the bed next to me and lunged at him, pushing him backwards into the bed and laying on top of him. "You're the best boyfriend ever" I gushed, "Perfect gift" I added, knowing that this present showed how well he knew me. He grinned, "You still have another present" he reminded me and I sat back up knowing he couldn't top this. Wesley sat up and handed me another gift, I ripped off the wrapping paper and then just stared at the box in my hands. "A laptop?" I uttered in disbelief, "You got me a freaking laptop?" and I knew I sounded more mad than grateful but this was too much. "It's for school" I heard Wesley say cautiously and I looked up at him, his eyes searching mine. "You don't like it?" he asked anxiously and my annoyance at the expensive gift faded away. "Of course I do" I said softly, "But it's too much. I can't take it" and I placed the gift next to him on the bed.

Wesley slid the box containing the brand new laptop back towards me across the bed. "Wesley" I started but he cut me off, "Please don't make a bigger deal out of this than it is" he requested but I wasn't sure how this wasn't a big deal. I rolled my eyes, but he continued "Your my girlfriend and it's your birthday and I bought you a gift" he stated simply. "This is a LAPTOP" I said, emphasising the word laptop as if that made it more than just a gift, causing Wesley to laugh. "Yes, it's a LAPTOP" he mimicked me and I grinned involuntarily, "And you will email your mom from it and write kick ass assignments on it and Skype me with it" he explained. He had given this a lot of thought and I hadn't thought it was possible but I loved him more. "How do you do it?" I asked cheekily, feigning confusion, "Do what?" Wesley shot me his own confused look. "Be so perfect" I gushed, before crawling across the bed to kneel in front of him. Wesley laughed, reaching up to tuck my hair behind my ear, "I'm not perfect, I'm just in love" he whispered and my heart melted. "Always with the smooth words Stromberg" I giggled and leaned forward to kiss him.


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