Abnormal Love Part 2: The Pizza Job

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Stevens phone lit up with a buzz. The message read "From Almandine teen: I GOT THE JOB!!!" Steven smiled and picked up his phone replying with "Good Job! I'll be ordering pizza today" He chuckled and waited for a reply. "You hungry or just want to see me?" Maroon replied. "Both" Steven sent with a winking emoji. "I should go my shift is starting" Maroon sent before turning his phone off. The gems come back from lil home school and ask if he has already had dinner or not. "I was about to order pizza" Steven replied not looking away from his phone. "Pizza? I can make something better" Pearl said trying to spend some time with him.

Ever since Steven's corruption, the gems grew distant from him and they couldn't figure out why. He seemed mad at them all the time, like they were constantly doing something wrong. Like they can't do anything right with them.

A few minutes later the doorbell rang and Steven jumped down the stairs and opened the door before amethyst could, who was sitting right at the counter. "Pizza?" Maroon smiled and handed Steven the pizza. Steven got his money and payed maroon. "Thanks Almandine teen" Steven smiled slyly and leaned against the doorway. "You're welcome Mr. Savior of the galaxy" Maroon chuckled, "Wish I could stay and talk but I've got another order" he said trying to walk away. "Nooo, you don't have a break to use? I want you to stay" Steven said while pouting. "I visited you on my break like an hour ago" Maroon said getting in the delivery car. Steven waved goodbye while watching him leave. "Why do I want to be around him so much?" Steven thought while walking inside and placing the pizza on the counter while not noticing the gems staring at him. Then he looked up and saw them wide-eyed. "what." Steven said getting a little angry that they kept staring at him. "Why are you staring at me?" His tone was full of anger. Garnet smiled and looked at amethyst while amethyst was laughing. Pearl stood there shocked and stunned at what just happened. "Steven, what was that?" Amethyst said through her laughs. "My friend delivered the pizza so I talked to them." Steven said annoyed. Garnet broke out laughing when she heard 'friend', and Steven just took the pizza and went to his room. Thinking about what did just happen, then he stopped everything he was doing, "do I like... Maroon?" Steven said to himself.

He looked at his phone and went through the conversation with Maroon, seeing it went on for forever, even though they meet less than a week ago. Then thought about the sly comments and the flirt-like remarks. He came back down screaming. "I have a crush on Maroon!" He said running around.

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