Abnormal Love Part 5: Empire City

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Maroon watched in awe as the lights went by, taking out his phone to take photos of the shops, the hotels, pretty much everything. He went to (the Steven universe equivalent of Instagram) and saw Steven had post pictures of him drinking his soda and eating his food. "Steven! You posted pictures of me?" He exclaimed, "oh sorry, I can take them down" he apologized. "No, you don't have to but we are taking selfies here and we will post them" Maroon smiled and continued looking out the window. "Alright, moonlight" Steven grins while keeping his eyes on the road.

"Wow, just wow" Maroon said in pure shock, he could have never seen this happening. He was happier than ever before, it's like Steven changed him for the better. His gem glowed a dark red and shifted between that dark red and a light almost pink red. "What's happening?" Maroon asked confused, "I don't know, do you think it can wait we're almost to the hotel" Steven said his voice filled with worry. "Yeah I'm fi-" his gem glowed even brighter before completely stopping. Maroon had passed out and the seat beneath him looked to be melting. "Moonlight!?" Steven yelled pulling to the side of the road and turning the hazards on. He stepped out and went to maroons side, taking him out and carrying him bridal style. Stevens hands were burning from this but he didn't care. He placed him on the cool grass, and hugged him. "Please, moon, please come back" Steven almost started to cry when the two started glowing.

"We fused!?" Almandine Diamond yelled. He got up and examined himself. He had Steven's jacket and Maroons t-shirt and long sleeve undershirt. He was touching his right arm when he felt a sting. He pulled the sleeves up to reveal burn marks. "Is this from that glowing?!" The Steven side of A.D. yelled. "I... should be honest with you Steven." The maroon side slowly said. "Don't tell me you did this!" Steven yelled as they unfused, he pulled maroons sleeve up and saw the burn marks. "Maroon, what are these from?" Steven could barely be heard as the cars went speeding past them on the highway. "I- my gem can.. create light that.. can reach... at least 235 degrees.. and in elementary..." Maroon explained that in elementary he was bullied everyday for his gem and for being gay. It would be so bad he would end up hurting himself. So when Steven and Maroon got together he felt like he didn't deserve Steven, and it made him feel like he was a fraud so he started doing it again.

"Maroon, of course you deserve me, I... l... really like you" Steven assured him. "That's exactly it... I don't deserve that" Maroon pushed, but Steven wasn't having that. "Yes. You. Do!!" Steven yelled over the traffic, before kissing Maroon. They kissed for a while and then they broke apart, breathless. "If you didn't deserve me... why would i do that?" Steven asked. "I... I... I don't know" Maroon replied looking up at Steven. "Now come on, let's finish this trip alright?" Steven smiled as he took his hand led Maroon to the car, and started driving to the hotel.

(To be continued, in part 6: Love(ly) Hotel)

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