Abnormal Love Part 4:The Date

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Maroon and Steven's lips finally met in a passionate kiss, sending shivers down their spines. As they broke apart, they sat on the bed, breathless. Steven's mind raced with possibilities, wondering if this meant what he hoped it did. Without a moment's hesitation, Maroon answered his unspoken question with a resounding "Yes!" Steven felt a rush of excitement and couldn't believe his luck as Maroon rested his head on Steven's shoulder. A deep blush spread across Steven's face, and his heart pounded with anticipation of what was to come.

Maroon checks his phone and sees a notification from the pizza shop. "Sorry, gotta go," he says as he stands up. "Noooo, stay with me" Steven begged. "I'm sorry Steven, I have to" he smiled before giving Steven a quick kiss on the lips and chuckled. "Alright I'll let you leave now" Steven smiled as Maroon walked away. A few seconds later he heard the car engine turn over. He sighed and got up, walking downstairs. Seeing Garnet he immediately got an idea, "Hey Garnet, can you, uh, help me plan a date with Maroon?"

Garnet sprang up with enthusiasm and gently placed her hand on his shoulder, assuring him, "Absolutely." The next couple of hours were spent brainstorming and strategizing with great intensity. "I think we've got it now, thanks Garnet" Steven said hugging Garnet and going to make calls. The sound of Steven calling the restaurant, and the flower shop, and booking a special trip.

Finally Maroon got off work. Steven sent him a message telling Maroon to meet with him outside of the big donut. They both showed up, "What's this about?" Maroon asked holding both of Steven's hands. "You'll see, just get in the car and I'll take you where we need to go" Steven kissed his new partner's cheek. "Alright, Mr. Savior of the Galaxy" Maroon smiled softly and got in the passenger seat of the car. Steven got in the car and drove to the diner. "I remember, one of the first times we hung out, you told me you loved diners, that you always wanted a first date there" Steven recalled, still looking at the road. "No way. We're going to a diner?!" Maroon yelled excitedly. "Yep" Steven responded pulling into the diner parking lot. "The Ruby Diner?" Maroon gasped, "So cool!" he squealed excitedly as he got out of the car.

Steven and Maroon sat down at a table and the waitress walked over "How is the bill going to be split today?" She asked. "All on one, please" Steven answered and smiled at Maroon. "Drinks?" the waitress asked. "Fanta please" Maroon requested. "Just water" Steven nodded, the waitress walked away putting the order in. "I could've payed" Maroon told him, "That would make me a bad boyfriend though" Steven realized what he said right after he said it "I'm sor-" "no it's okay, I like it" Maroon assured him. "Alright, my moonlight" Maroon laughed at that, "you're so cheesy" "I know" Steven smiles.

After dinner Steven and Maroon got up. "Oh? Oh? What's this?" He said pulling flowers from his bag, "Oh Steven, you didn't have to" Maroon said while sniffing them. "Oh but I did, 3 days after we met we were texting and you told me ghost orchids were your favorite flower, so I got you ghost orchids" Steven smiled kissing Maroons forehead. "You're such a romantic!" Maroon told him as they walked out of the diner, "I've got one more surprise"

As they drove Maroon wondered where they would go, when he saw it the dazzling and sparkling lights of...

(To be continued, hope y'all enjoyed)

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