Abnormal Love Part 7: "The Past Comes Back to Haunt You"

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Steven and Maroon walked out of the elevator and walked hand in hand to the door. They walked outside and could smell the food in the air. They walked to the car and got in.

Steven POV:

I looked at him, so happy but he's still clutching his left arm. The one with the burns, and I know it stings to touch them, Almandine Diamond touched them when we fused. I looked down for a second but looked back up and smiled. "Let's go" I started the car and slowly backed out of the parking space and drove out of the lot. "Where to first?" I asked. "I guess we could eat something for breakfast?" He replied and I nodded. I turn down streets and drive up roads until we found a good place to eat. We walked inside and got a table. "Everything loo-" Maroon stopped in terror, looking at the kitchen. Watching a guy that looked about my age. He looked over to Maroon and went wide eyed. "Who's that?" I asked trying to learn more about Maroon. "C-can w-W-we go?" He asked his voice shaky. "Yeah sure" I said but looked up to see the guy who was just in the kitchen, standing at the table. "Hello, what's your name?" I asked. "Who even are you? And my name doesn't matter. At least not to you. Why did you come here with my boyfriend?" Boyfriend? He has another boyfriend? "W-w-what?" I stuttered. Looking to maroon with anger and sadness in my eyes. He was looking down trying not to look at either of us. How could he? How could he make me fall in love with him and then not tell me about his other boyfriend? Wait am I, in love with him?

"Stop saying we're boyfriends. I stopped texting you years ago" Maroon said quietly his voice shaking. "Well we are, we never broke up" he said grabbing Maroons wrist. "Don't touch me!" Maroon yelled trying to get away from his grasp. "After that night, why would I ever want to see you again?!?!" That night? What happened? What did this stranger do?!?! "You looked like you were enjoying it, and you weren't trying to get away" he said his voice intimidating. "I was trying to get away, but there was no point! So I stopped." The stranger chuckled, "Exactly, you caved, you let me do it. It's all your fault" those words echoed in my head. Get away from what? What was he doing? "Steven please, can we go?" He cried out to me, his face looked scared and uncomfortable. "Don't leave me" The unknown person yelled grabbing him and taking him to the bathroom. I couldn't do anything, I was stunned. I ran after them but it was too late he already locked the bathroom door. Was this real? Was I dreaming? Then my phone vibrated in my pocket and I answered it. From "Almandine Teen" while on the call it sounded like it was thrown. "Hello!? Maroon!?!? What's happening?!?!" Someone picked the phone up, their breathing heavy, I could hear Maroon trying to push him away and tried to run away. "Shut up" the voice said ending the call. I was so scared and I kept blaming myself for this. If I had maroon away from him, if I wasn't so selfish. But there was no time....

(I won't write about it but the guy is a very bad dude alright?)
Maroons pov;

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." Steven apologized. He walked me out and we went back to the car. "Steven, can we go home? I know you spent a lot of money and probably a lot of time to plan this. But I just don't know if I'm comfortable in the same city as him." I said with tears in my eyes. He wiped them away and smiled. "Of course."

3rd POV:

They drove to the hotel and packed their stuff. "I'm sorry" Steven said, again. "I think he said that because I was still uncomfortable" Maroon thought to himself. "Stop apologizing, it's not your fault." He said still packing. "But if I had stopped him or done something sooner, it wouldn't have happened-" then Maroon kissed him. "There" He said before going back to packing. "I'm ready"

They left their keys, walked to the car, and went home. The drive felt longer than before, but Maroon still felt that it was worth it. When they got home they unpacked their stuff and sat on the couch. "If you don't feel comfortable being in the same bed as someone tonight, you sleep on the couch or I could." Steven proposed. "No it's fine, I don't want to make you sleep on the couch" Maroon replied.

(I think it was an important part for Steven to learn more about Maroon. And I think people need to be more aware of this issue. Have a great day and stay safe, I don't want this to happen to anyone <3)

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