Abnormal Love Part 3: Crush

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Steven couldn't think, or focus or really do anything. It had been 5 days since he realized he liked Maroon. He had 63 unread messages from him and he couldn't think of how to respond. His mind was racing and his heart was thumping. "What do I do? I want to tell him but we just met, wouldn't it be crazy?" He thought to himself while lying back on his bed.

He started to drift when he heard a knock on his bedroom door. "Someone is here to see you Steven"
Pearl announced, "Who?" Steven asked, his head still spinning. "Maroon" Pearl replied, Steven sat up and gasped. The door creaking open, he looked at the papers, with his feelings on it, on his bed. He grabbed them and stuffed them under his pillow. "Steven? Are you okay?" Maroon asked with worry, while sitting down on Steven's bed. Steven blushed and his throat got dry. "Steven?" Maroon called out again, Steven looked at him his mouth hanging open with his pearly sharp teeth showing. "I'm so sorry I haven't been texting you back, it's just, I just," Steven couldn't say it and he looked down in embarrassment. Maroon drew him in for a hug and assured him "It's going to be fine" they sat on the bed hugging for a while, until Steven went to the bathroom.

Steven walked in and closed the door looking at the mirror, he hated the way his horns were so noticeable, and how his teeth were like sharks teeth. He hated how he looked, he hated everything about himself.

TW (Small self harm sorry if it makes you uncomfortable just skip)

Steven saw his shaver on the sink and grabbed it taking out one of the razor blades. Sawing at the base of his horn, what he didn't know was that Maroon was at the door and heard the cutting Steven was doing. "Steven!" Maroon yelled running into the bathroom seeing what Steven did. He had cut halfway through his horn and was bleeding. "Oh Steven, why would you do this?" Maroon said pulling in for a hug.

END TW (Sorry, this next part is good tho)

"It's just that, I hate the way I look, I hate my teeth and I hate my horns." Steven cried slightly, "Well, I love them, they're just one of the many thing that I love about you" Maroon said pulling back a bit to look at Steven's face, cupping his cheek. Steven smiled and pulled Maroon in for a kiss.

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