Abormal Love Part 9: My New Girl, And my Old Boy.

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Steven POV:

Me and the girl I met a while back have been dating for a month now and I really like her. She's pretty, she has black hair that cascades to her shoulders like waves, light brown skin and wears glasses. Her name is Connie Maheswaren, and she's 17 years old. She's so kind and smart.

Maroon POV:

Steven is dating someone else now, the person dating him is lucky. He deserves to have someone that's good for him. They seem happy together, but I just can't help feeling jealous. It makes me want to get revenge, I don't know why. Why do I want to hurt him because he's not still hurting for me? Why are feelings so complicated? God, why can't I just not hurt anymore? Then my body got warm and my gem glowed, I wasn't doing this, then fire roared from it like a jet. My room caught on fire and I got so scared. I then realized this wasn't normal fire it was the deep red color of my gem and didn't hurt me. It was warm and didn't feel good but it didn't hurt at all. "New power?" I thought to myself.

3rd POV:

The fire alarm of Maroons apartment building was ringing through the halls. When Maroon heard this he covered his ears, as he was sensitive to loud noises and over stimulation. He rocked back and forth when the manager came in. "Honey I know you can't function in this noise but take my hand okay?" She said sympathetically, as he took her hand. She led him outside, and covered him with a blanket.

3rd POV with Steven:

Steven was walking with Connie when he saw his building. "Oh my god" he said, gasping. "What? Oh-" Connie said looking at Maroons building. "Isn't that where your ex lives?" She asked with concern in her voice. "Y-yeah" Steven and Connie began to sweat. "Wait it was just nice outside, why is it so hot now?" She asked while putting a hand on her forehead. "It couldn't be from the fire right?" Connie continued. But Steven didn't answer. He couldn't stop thinking about if Maroon was okay. "Steven... Look you're really great and I was just going to try to be with you despite this, but... I know you still like him. I know you're thinking about him. I'm sorry Steven but, you have to go after him." She said with sorrow in her tone. "But-" "Steven. No" She cut him off.

He nodded and ran towards the site. Once he got there he looked around and locked eyes with him. He looked so scared, so Steven ran to him. Their lips locked in a kiss. They broke apart and looked into each other's eyes, breathing heavily. "Steven I'm sor-"
"Maroon, you are amazing. You have worth. You deserve me. You make me feel so happy. I want to be with you." They smiled as Steven sat next to Maroon. He wrapped his arms around him, to comfort Maroon. He put his head on Steven's shoulder and smiled. They drowned out the rushing fireman, the crying children, and the panicked adults. They just focused on themselves.

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