Abnormal Love Part 8: The Breakup...

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Steven pov:

I'm so pathetic, I've been crying on my bed for a week. Today the Crystal Gems tried talking to me about it;

Garnet came up to my room and knocked "Steven are you okay?" She asked. They all came in and sat on my bed. I was burying my face in the pillow and crying. "What happened bro?" Amethyst asked with her mouth full. "M-m-Maroon broke up with me!!!" I cried even harder. Pearl looked uncomfortable with human emotions. "Maybe you should find a new person to take your mind off of Maroon" Garnet suggested. I thought about it and told them I'd think about it. They walked away and I contemplated.

Maroon POV:

I feel kind of bad dumping Steven but I didn't deserve him anyways. He was too good for me, I probably just kissed him so much he thought he wanted me. But he's way out of my league. "I'm so sorry I shouldn't have broken up with you, can we get back together?" I began to type into my phone but stopped. What was I thinking? He wouldn't get back with me after that. I'll never get someone as good as him again. I'm so useless, I probably hurt him. I probably made him cry, why would I make Steven cry? He was nothing but good to me. I think I deserve what happened to me in the city. And at my old village a couple years back. The only person I deserve is Robin (the bad guy from the breakfast place). I should drive back there and let him use me, it's the only thing I deserve. It'll be my punishment for existing, I haven't brought anything good to this world. Only hurt, and pain. I hate myself, I hate my life. I push people away when they start to care about me.

Why am I like this? Why am I so stupid? Why can't I let myself by happy?

Steven POV:

I decided to take Garnets advice and I went out into Beach City and looked for some friends. I saw a girl who looked to be only a few months younger than ne. and I decided to become friends with her. After a few days we grew closer and closer. Then she made a move, and we got together...

(Sorry it's short but the next one will be longer and full of revenge >:), go check out Lars' last wish by gothichamster!! They are an amazing author.)

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