Chapter Seven

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I am back with a less heavy chapter, just because I had the time today. I had a bad day, so this is my comfort until I can fix my problems.

My boyfriend, randomly, decided to read this fic and I'm scared of his opinion LMAO. If you're in the mood of teasing, leave messages for him in this part of the chapter. Thank you for reading, everbody! (thank you for reading as well, D., I love you)

Marta wasn't someone that was often worried over other people; she had too much to care about in her own life and couldn't bear taking care of other's life. However, even she couldn't ignore the fact that Luna had not eaten in more than 24 hours.

"This is ridiculous!" Marta said at the foot of Luna's bed, pulling back the curtains.

"Marta, stop it!" Amanda said from where she stood in front of the mirror, knotting her tie. "Leave her alone. She wants to be left alone."

"No, Marta is right. Luna, get up!" Rosalie said, getting up from her bed where she had been sitting, ready for the day, and pulling Luna by her arms to sit up on the bed. "I don't know what happened, but whatever it was, it can't be that bad."

Luna had not cried since she had gotten to the dormitory and had a good moment alone, sobbing and weeping by herself. Then, once it stopped, it didn't start again. She had been lying there, wasting away in shame and pain. In the middle of the night, Pandora had slipped into her bed and held her close (a miracle that would have made her cry in itself, but she had no tears left), whispering questions that she never answered. She was in a state that even her hair was un-braided and unkept; it was unusual to her.

Pandora, now, sat in her own bed, unsure of what to say or do.

Luna looked at her best friend.

"I don't want to eat. I'm not hungry," she said.

"Even if we call one of the house-elves to bring you food here? This way, you don't have to go outside," Pandora said.

Smart as she was, Pandora had already understood that whatever it was that happened with Sirius, it was the cause for Luna's situation. Clearly, she didn't want to see the boy again.

"I'm not hungry," Luna insisted.

She was hungry. She was starving. But the feeling of her stomach almost gluing itself to her back was a feeling that she could focus on and not feel the way her heart twisted and contorted in pain; she could control which one of the terrible feelings she would feel: shame, sadness, anger or hunger. And hunger felt the most natural.

She went back to lying down.

"Leave her alone," Pandora said, shaking her head. "She won't move."

"We can't leave her here in this state!" Rosalie said, looking at Luna in worry.

"Who knows what she'll do when we leave her alone in here," Marta added.

Pandora frowned, pushing down the chill that went up her spine. Though the thought had crossed her mind, she truly believe that Luna was nowhere near that level of danger just yet, but would get there if she didn't receive the attention she needed – but for that, Luna needed to want to get better, and understand the impact that her feelings and actions had on the people that loved her very much, that included Pandora. But she also knew that forcing Luna into any situation would have dire consequences.

"Come on, leave her alone," Pandora insisted. "We'll talk to Flitwick and Madame Pomfrey."

Going to a trusted adult might be the best decision, after all that was what professors told them to do with any situation that they couldn't deal themselves, or that they didn't feel safe doing. And Pandora feared for Luna, very much, and she didn't feel safe forcing her friend out of bed.

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