Chapter Twenty

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Well, another chapter! This one is a bit shorter than my usual chapters, but it's mostly interactions between Luna and Regulus as an apology. Leave your comments!

Recommendation: I was reading 'Last Legacy', a Charlie Weasley fanfiction, and it's already so good. It's still at the start, but I swear that it's amazing. To anyone that likes the Weasleys, I recommend that you go read it. 'Last Legacy by FuerElise-'

Luna had been in Dumbledore's Office once in her life.

It was her very first year, she had been sick for the first time the day before the full moon, so he had visited her in the Hospital Wing to ask after her health. She had felt honoured, thanking him for his worry and telling him that it was just her heart condition, but then remembered that she knew the truth just like Madame Pomfrey. Once the full moon had gone by and she had gotten better (before her brother), he had called her to his office. For almost an hour, he had tried to convince her that she was completely safe in the school and, therefore, needed to go to the Hospital Wing at any sign of discomfort due to her heart and brain – he, too, said that the teachers had been made aware of her condition and the first-aid that she needed to receive in case of a convulsion.

Never again, had he gone to ask after her health.

Now, however, as she looked around, things seemed smaller.

Though the room was still a well-lit, large circular room with many windows and portraits of the old predecessors decorating the walls behind the headmaster's desk, but one held a special place: Armando Dippet, the direct predecessor. However, he never seemed much interested when someone walked in, which could not be said about Phineas Black, who stared at the couple.

"What are you doing here, Regulus Black?" the portrait asked. "Are you in trouble for fighting again? A girl this time? – no matter how dirty you think her to be, one must never raise a hand against a woman."

"I have not hit, nor shall I ever hit a woman, Headmaster Black. Do refrain from calling my parent 'dirty', please," Regulus said coldly. "I'm unsure of why my presence was requested in this office, I can assure you this much."

Luna turned to him.

"Family?" she asked, though the surname already made it pretty clear.

"A great-uncle to some degree," he said, disinterested, though he knew perfectly well his family tree by heart. "Someone that should already be aware to why I was summoned and who you are in my life," he added, staring straight at the portrait.

Apparently, it didn't matter how old a man was, they still happened to pout and sulk when called out. And Luna was comforted at the sight of a very similar sulking that she had seen in her own brother and father; no matter the blood, men were men.

Thankfully, before Phineas Black could recover from the scolding he received from his grand-grand-grand-nephew, Dumbledore walked out of his private bedchambers with a dark leather-bound book of yellowish pages and his phoenix resting on his shoulder, walking towards the headmaster's desk.

"I'm sorry if I took my time, I was writing some relevant information on the school's journal," Dumbledore explained, opening the small drawer under the desk and putting the book in there, locking it in place. "Miss Lupin, Mister Black, I have requested your present in my office because the information of a courtship happening between you two."

"That is true. I don't, however, see how is that any important to the school," Regulus said, narrowing his eyes. "Sir," he added as an afterthought.

Headmaster Dumbledore leaned back against his chair while the phoenix climbed to the chair's back, standing tall on the Jacobean padded chair.

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