Chapter Eleven

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It was the screaming that woke Luna, but it was Pandora's sobbing that made her jump off the bed.

Stumbling out of bed, feet still stuck on the comforter and having to blindly push the heavy curtains around her bed in the complete dark, Luna had no idea what was happening until she was running towards Pandora's bed, guided only by the dying light of the fire of the furnace in the middle of the room that was begging for another log.

"Panda!" Luna called out, pulling Pandora's curtains back. "Pandora!"

Pandora was kneeling on the bed, sheets tangled around her legs and body. Her hands were blindly reaching for something, finding only the poles of the bed and holding onto them as her whole body trembled. She sobbed loudly, unashamed, desperate.

"Panda," Luna lamented at the sight, touching her friends' shoulder.

"Evan," Luna continued sobbing.

"Evan is alright. He's in his dormitory, I promise," Luna said, trying to wake her up.

Marta was already standing near the furnace, feeding it another log. Rosalie was already tying her robes around her pyjamas and slipping out of the room to call for Flitwick, as she usually did when events such as these happened. Amanda, however, was coming closer, going to the other side of Pandora's bed and opening the curtains as well.

"Pandora, come on, wake up," Amanda said.

"My brother! My brother," Pandora continued lamenting, looking up at something in the ceiling. "Not my brother."

"Evan is alright," Luna tried calming her down, perhaps she would just go back to sleep. "He's probably asleep."

"Not my brother, too, please!" she begged. "Not my brother! Please, not Evan."

Pandora shuddered violently, gasping, but her breath got stuck on her throat, so she made an awful choking noise. That was something that had never happened before and caught Luna's breath. She tensed up.

"Pandora, you got to breathe, come on," Luna urged, feeling how her friend's whole body had tensed up as well. Pandora, half-folded on the bed, just made another choking noise. "Pandora! Pandora! Wake up! Wake UP!"

Violently, she leaned back, raising to her knees, no longer resting against her ankles. Her back curved as she looked at the ceiling and choked again, arms limply hanging by her side as she – finally – took a deep, loud breath in a gasp, mouth wide and tongue sticking out. After that, she fell back on the bed, head hitting the pillow and knees still bent in an awkward position.

Marta made a noise, it sounded like a whimper.

"What the fuck was that?" Marta whispered.

Luna didn't answer. She didn't know. But it was like Regulus Black was whispering on her ear once more, so she did what made the most sense in her mind at the moment; she reached for Pandora's bedside table, opening the small cabinet and seeing the potions Pandora took carefully organised.

She had drunk her potion. She wasn't supposed to dream. She wasn't supposed to See anything.

Flitwick walked into the bedroom, running as fast as his legs could carry him and running to Pandora's bed.

"Miss Rosier? Miss Rosier?" he called out.

"She... I don't even know how to begin to explain what just happened," Amanda said, clearly unsure of what to say. "It was like she was possessed."

Ignoring what Amanda had said, Luna took the small box of potions and showed it to the professor.

"She took her potions correctly, every day. It wasn't supposed to happen," Luna said. "Sir, I think we need to call for her brother. She has been calling for him."

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