Chapter Nine

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My first exam is today. I have not studied enough because I was too busy writing this, but anyways... it just shows how excited I am with this story, I guess.

I'm bored, so leave a lot of comments, please. Thank you!

Luna pulled her cloak around herself tighter. The wind whipping the Astronomy Tower was even stronger than at the Ravenclaw Tower, but she wanted to pay attention to what Regulus was saying because it really sounded important. Still, all she could do was try not to shake too much as she wrote down the important information in key-words to remind herself that she needed to be present.

"...and not only that, most of the time that the moon appears in any other subject, its called by feminine words, which means that inside of Alchemy and Potions it's often seen as a warning that something must be done at night, but some potions are obviously meant to be brewed at night for complete potency because of its connection with emotions and intuition, such potions for dreams or calming draughts, though they might be brewed during the day as well. In other areas, such as Transfiguration, it might be used for manifestation and growth; that's why it's so important for a potential Animagus to recite the incantation at first moonlight and first sunlight," Regulus was saying. "Is there a specific reason why Astronomy needs to be under you attention?"

Luna nodded.

"Alchemy," she answered.

Regulus nodded, crossing his arms seemingly at ease.

"What sort of Alchemy?"

"Potion-Making Alchemy, with the focus in Healing and Undoing Magical Ailments," she answered. "But, for now, I want to get in Advanced Alchemy next year so I can find a good spot in an Academy once I'm out of Hogwarts."

There was a twitch in Regulus' face muscles, but she couldn't read it as any emotion that she recognised.

"You have it all planned out," he said. She looked away. "It's a good thing, though. It's impressive," he added when she seemed uncomfortable by his words.

"I want to get money as soon as I get out of school; a spot in an Academy usually comes with a small salary," she explained. "Once I'm out of the Academy, I can find a good job inside a healing or medicinal company. I can support myself and my family if I have a good enough job."

Regulus looked at the entrance of the Tower.

"You have a brother, though, and your father still works, I don't understand why you're thinking about support your family. Besides, once you get married, and so does your brother, you brother will keep supporting them and his family while you'll be supported by your husband," he said.

Luna didn't answer immediately, incredulous by Regulus' words. She took a deep breath while she prepared an answer, but once she was ready, there were no words that she could form to give him.

"My parents are divorced," she said.

Regulus frowned.

"Divorced?" he asked.

"Yeah," she whispered.

She wanted to say that there was no shame in her voice, but there was – there really was, and she hated it. She understood that the divorce was for the better, after all she remembered quite well how her parents used to scream at each other and how she would cry in bed.

"What is a 'divorced'?" Regulus asked.

Her jaw dropped.

"Oh!" she managed to choke out. "Alright, it's... when the marriage is over."

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