Chapter Fourteen

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Another chapter, finally! I've been studying, sorry, so I might take a bit longer to uptade.

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As the summoning in the small note that came alongside the Transfiguration book said, Luna was in the library after breakfast in a Sunday with her schoolbag for another tutoring session. Regulus was already waiting for her when she got there, dropping her things onto the table unceremoniously and sitting down.

"At least we're closer to the Transfiguration area this time," she commented, taking off her cloak and putting it on the table as well.

Regulus, who had been reading a new book – a poetry one, she realised as he closed it and put it into his bag before answering her – smirked a bit, trying to hide the blush on his cheeks as he shrugged.

"Well, Evan said that most couples were naturally drawn to the Potions' area of the library," he said.

She looked around.

It made sense, certainly. It was gloomier than the rest of the library, with less windows and completely away from Madame Pince's eyes by its angle. It was also one of the oldest parts of the library, which meant that the tables were not made of wood that would creak and moan, nor were the shelves – it was easy to do ungodly things unchecked while in there, especially after crossing the small threshold into Advanced Potions' area, where the shelves were heavily stocked and impossible to look through its gaps.

"Well, Evan is right," she said.

Regulus leaned from his place across from her on the table.

"If we are to do this correctly, you need to call me by my first name while we are alone or while with friends, but you cannot call me by my first name in front of my parents unless they give you permission," he told her.

She blinked, not ready to receive such information, but archived it in the back of her brain as she nodded.

"You can just call me Luna," she said.

"Not in front of my parents, or yours," he said.

"Mine wouldn't mind," she told him.

"I would. It feels more respectful if I follow such rules while they are supposed to be imposed upon us," he said. "As we are not officially courting yet, it's alright if we're alone without a chaperone and –"

She shook her head, trying to wake herself from the odd dream that she felt she was having.

"Wait there, Regulus. Chaperone?" she asked. "What is this Pride and Prejudice fever dream I'm having," she grumbled to herself.

He narrowed his eyes at her.

"You were the one to offer me this," he reminded her.

"I'm aware, thank you very much," she answered. "But chaperones just aren't used anymore since the end of the 19th century. It's 1970s – come on, even in school we'll have to be accompanied by chaperones?"

He shook his head.

"Not all the time," he answered. "It's common for couples to somewhat escape such uptight rules while in school, but outside of it we are to remain under the public eye in a manner as acceptable as possible."

"I won't ruin your family's reputation," she teased.

His eyebrows moved, but he quickly put them back in place before she could name the expression he did, but it did look like pain.

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