Chapter Nineteen

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I had so many comments that it was easy writing this one. Another closure chapter, but a lot nicer than the one from the Hospital Wing, because Luna has complete control of what's happening.

Leave comments again. I hope to come back as soon as I can.

Bristol, England.

November 1st of 1975

Dear Luna,

I hope this letter finds you well, darling, for the shock that I received certainly took a year or so of my life away. My dear daughter, tell me why your father came into my house for the first time since the divorce looking like he saw a ghost? I almost called the police! I got back from my shift, and he was sitting on the stairs at front, looking pale and sickly.

All of this because, apparently, you have a boyfriend.

While I hope that the conversation that we had this summer before going to school stuck with you, I'm glad that you're opening your social circle for more people. Still, please, remember that a woman cannot just give herself to any man, be sure that you love him before accepting anything other than a kiss – a woman should be kept sacred in the hands of someone that truly loves her, then the love they share isn't dirty, it is simply love.

Your father does not like the idea, ever the overprotective father that I knew he was going to be when I found out that I was going to have a girl. He says that the boy's family is rich and titled; that makes me unbothered to appear annoying by repeating the conversation of the paragraph above, for such carefulness must be twice as strong. Rich men have an entitlement to everything around them, and that includes other people as well, and I do not want to see you suffering for the consequences of your decisions without the support of the man responsible for it. Regulus Black, he calls him. A beautiful name, I thought. I hope that he treats you well.

Now, to the point that truly matters: a meeting.

According to your father, people like the family of that boy requests a meeting before accepting the relationship. I thought it was completely ridiculous, but I can't say 'no', you never ask anything of me. I gave your father my days-off so he can appoint a day that I can attend. I expect explanations, nonetheless.

Your mum,

Hope Jensen

Dear Daughter,

Why the hell have you never mentioned this boy before? Why the hell do I have to hear of a courtship coming from Orion fucking Black? What the fuck?!

We'll arrange a meeting and I'll write you soon.

I love you, Lady, but please don't scare me like that ever again. I almost died of a heart attack when I received a letter with the Black Crest in the envelope. Had it not been for your grandmother, I would've gone to your school to make sure it was real.

My pretty girl, are you sure of your decision?


Luna knew that her father had never been the most eloquent of people in letters, no matter how long he spent writing and writing documents and protecting people in court with complicated words, so she was not upset when his letter was much shorter and less structured than her mother's. She was, however, very happy that her mother had written to her and had not written to her brother at all.

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