3 An unexpected Sunday

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As the Sunday evening sun dipped lower in the sky, Meera found herself reluctantly getting ready for the tuition classes she had been dreading all day. With each passing moment, her anxiety grew, knowing she would have to endure hours of extra studying instead of enjoying her usual Sunday evening activities.

Desperate to avoid attending the classes, Meera attempted to put on a convincing act in front of her mom. "Mom, I think I'm coming down with something. My head hurts, and I feel really tired," she complained, hoping her mother would take pity on her and let her stay home.

But her mother wasn't fooled. "Nice try, Meera. You're not getting out of this. You made a commitment, and you're going to stick to it."

Defeated, Meera begrudgingly accepted her fate and begrudgingly got ready to leave for the classes.

Just when she thought things couldn't get any worse, her aunt dropped the bombshell that Rohan would be joining her for the walk to the tuition classes.

Meera's heart sank at the news. Not only would she have to endure the torture of the tuition classes, but now she'd have to suffer through it with her mischievous cousin by her side.

As they set out on their journey, Meera tried to salvage the situation by continuing her act of reluctance and despair. She lagged behind, dragging her feet and sighing dramatically, hoping her mother would take pity on her and change her mind.

But Rohan, ever perceptive, saw through her facade. "Come on, Meera. We both know you're secretly excited about these classes," he teased, earning a frustrated glare from Meera in return.

Despite her best efforts to resist, Meera couldn't shake off her anxiety about the tuition classes. With Rohan by her side, she prepared herself for the daunting challenge ahead, hoping against hope that the classes wouldn't be as dreadful as she imagined.


As Rohan and I walked through the streets, the warmth of the setting sun enveloped us, casting a golden glow over everything in sight. The gentle hum of the grasshoppers in the summer night added a soothing rhythm to our journey. Despite my reluctance to attend the tuition classes, I couldn't help but feel a sense of calm wash over me as we strolled along the familiar paths.

As the night sky began to unfold above us, millions of stars emerged, dotting the darkness with their twinkling light. I found myself mesmerized by the beauty of the cosmos, each star a tiny beacon of hope in the vast expanse of the universe.

My mischievous cousin, always up for a bit of banter, started his usual routine of teasing and playful bickering breaking the peaceful silence of the evening as we made our way to the dreaded tuition classes.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Meera the Magnificent, gracing us with her presence today," he teased, a sly grin dancing across his face.

Meera shot him a mock glare, already bracing herself for the playful banter that was about to ensue. "Oh, spare me the flattery, Rohan the Ridiculous. You know you can't resist my charm," she replied, her tone laced with sarcasm.

Rohan chuckled, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Charm? Please, Meera, you're about as charming as a grumpy donkey
on a Monday morning," he retorted, unable to contain his laughter.

Meera gasped in mock offense, placing a hand over her heart. "Oh, the audacity! How dare you insult the great Meera the Magnificent in such a manner?" she exclaimed, her voice dripping with exaggerated drama.

Rohan grinned, unfazed by her theatrics. "Hey, don't blame me, blame your own magnificence for setting the bar so high," he quipped, earning a playful shove from Meera.

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