9 missing her

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The next morning, Meera awoke with a sense of urgency coursing through her veins. Quickly, she roused Rohan from his slumber,Without wasting a moment, they made their way to Arjun's mother.

"Auntie ji, we're going to head home now," rohan said his voice is still drowsy  as he  met Arjun's mother's gaze. "But rohan and meera beta, I'll make you both some breakfast before you leave," Arjun's mother offered kindly, her concern evident in the gentle lines of her face.

Thanku and sorry auntie ji, but we really need to get going," Rohan chimed in, his eagerness matching Meera's own. "We'll come back in the evening, okay?" he added, flashing Arjun's mother a bright smile before turning to leave.

Because if  her parents found out she stayed out all night at her tutor's home, they would definitely going to kill her.
as they told they will come at 9oclock in the morning .she should in the house at that time . Her parents were too much orthodox ones

Together, Meera and Rohan made their way back to their respective homes, their minds buzzing with anticipation for what the day would bring. And as they parted ways, Meera couldn't shake the feeling that this was just the beginning of a journey filled with unexpected twists and turns—a journey that would ultimately lead her to confront her deepest fears and desires head-on.

As Arjun roused from his sleep, his mother's comforting presence enveloped him like a warm embrace. With drowsy eyes, he stumbled into the kitchen, drawn by the familiar aroma of his favorite breakfast.

"What are you doing, ma?" Arjun murmured, his voice still heavy with sleep as he approached his mother from behind, wrapping his arms around her in a tender back hug. Resting his chin on her shoulder,

"I'm making pulkaand paneer curry, your favorite," his mother replied, her voice filled with warmth and affection. Ohh i forget to tell you your two devils woke up and went to their home. he couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment at the news of Meera and Rohan's departure.But despite her efforts to cheer him up, Arjun's heart remained heavy with longing for Meera's presence.

As his mother's words sank in, Arjun's gaze clouded with disappointment. He couldn't shake the feeling of emptiness that settled over him at the thought of Meera's absence. It was a feeling he couldn't quite put into words—a yearning for her company that seemed to grow stronger with each passing moment.

But even as his heart longed for his Meera's presence, Arjun's rational mind intervened, reminding him of the boundaries that separated them. "When did Meera become yours?" his inner voice taunted, mocking his growing attachment to her.

Frustrated by his own conflicting emotions, Arjun brushed off his thoughts with a dismissive shake of his head. "Ah, shut up," he muttered to himself, determined to silence the tumult of feelings raging within him.

Retreating to his room, Arjun collapsed onto his bed, exhaustion weighing heavily on his eyelids. As he drifted into a deep slumber, Meera's lingering scent surrounded him like a comforting blanket, soothing his troubled mind and guiding him into the realm of dreams.

As the evening approached, the anticipation in the air was palpable. Arjun sat at the head of the table, his eyes constantly scanning the room for a familiar face, longing for the presence of Meera, the one who had unknowingly captured his heart.

As the door creaked open, Arjun's heart skipped a beat, hope flaring within him as he turned to see if it was Meera. But disappointment washed over him like a wave as he realized it was only Rohan who entered, Meera conspicuously absent from his side.

Before Arjun could voice his concern, Rohan spoke up, his words sending a surge of worry through Arjun's veins. "Bhiya, Meera couldn't come because of fever," Rohan explained solemnly, settling into his seat. Arjun's heart sank at the news, a mix of concern and disappointment clouding his features.

If only Arjun and Rohan knew the truth behind Meera's sudden illness. Little did they suspect that their "drama queen" had orchestrated her own disappearance to evade the impending surprise test.

As Meera lay in bed, reveling in her own ingenuity, she couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at her successful escape. But even as she basked in her triumph, a twinge of guilt nagged at the edges of her conscience.

In the midst of their tuition classes, Arjun decided to spring a surprise test on Rohan. Despite a few stumbles along the way, Rohan showed remarkable progress and wasn't shy about seeking Arjun's guidance when needed, demonstrating his dedication to understanding the material.

Meanwhile, as the hours ticked by, Arjun's concern for Meera's health only intensified. He made every effort to conceal his growing unease, focusing instead on the task at hand.

As the final moments of the tuition session approached, Arjun felt a surge of determination wash over him. Unable to bear the thought of being unable to check on Meera's well-being, he turned to Rohan with a sense of urgency.

"Rohan, could you share Meera's number to my mobile? I need to discuss today's homework with her," arjun asked.

Ok bhaiyya i will share the number to you once i reach the home. Bye and goodnight bhaiiya he waved .


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