6 free food

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As the tuition classes came to an end, all the students except Rohan and Meera packed their bags to head home.

Arjun came to them and said, "Come with me, guys." As Arjun said it, Rohan's excitement surged, knowing that his bhaiyya was going to treat him with free food.

It was their tradition to have his favorite food after detention. Despite Rohan's frequent detentions due to his crazy antics, Arjun always cheered him up with free food.

This was just one of the many moments that made their bond unbreakable,Arjun had known Rohan since his birth; As his parents were tenants in Arjun's old house during arjun school days while rohan was a small baby . Arjun always had a soft spot for Rohan.

Here Meera glanced at her cousin, puzzled by his sudden excitement, she shrugged and walked alongside him, soon her confusion melted away, replaced by a bubbling anticipation.As she saw a street food stall.

After all, who wouldn't rejoice at the prospect of free food, especially for two self-proclaimed panipuri aficionados? For Meera, it was more than just a culinary delight; it was pure bliss. Food was her refuge, her joy, her solace-whether celebrating happiness, soothing sadness, or taming anger, food was always there, a faithful companion through every emotion.
And here Arjun couldn't help but smile, seeing the excitement in their faces.

As arjun said, "eat what ever you want to have, as he said it and sat on the bench opposite the road, where there were no people, as it was 9 o'clock at night and the stall owner seemed to have closed up shop.

However, Rohan was the favorite of the stall owner, as he always showed out at the stall with Arjun, sometimes twice or thrice a week.

The stall owner teased Rohan, "Detention again, huh?" to which Rohan whined, while Meera chuckled.

Suddenly, Meera's thoughts shifted to Arjun, and she approached him, asking,"Sir, what about you? Don't you want to eat?" She wasn't sure why she asked, but concern drove her words. "I'm on a diet, Meera," he replied as matter-of-fact.

Meera couldn't believe it. "Diet, my foot! Who in the fuc ... freaking world can resist panipuri?" she mumbled to herself.

It was the first time she had conversed with Arjun, and he overheard her remark. With a mischievous grin, Arjun teased, "I'm on a diet, so you can admire me daily, madam ji."

Meera felt flustered at being caught admiring his manly features."Also, there's another surprise for you people at home," Arjun added cryptically Meera muttered, "Huh," and headed off to eat, while Arjun shook his head in disbelief at the antics of teenage girls.

After they finished their meal, with their stomachs full, Arjun paid the bill, and they began their walk.

A serene silence enveloped them, neither of them initiating conversation. It was a summer late-night stroll, with the cool breeze gently caressing their faces, bringing a sense of peace. The whispers of crickets and the full moon above illuminated their path, lending a magical atmosphere to their walk.

Meera couldn't help but admire Arjun.He has everything a woman could desire. She had never encountered a man like him before-selfless, clever, and undeniably handsome.

Even her parents were selfi... Well, forget about it.

His face seemed to glow under the moonlight, his thick black locks ruffled by the breeze. Sensing her gaze on him, Arjun who was lost in thought, looking at the moon shifted his eyes to Meera while Meera quickly averted her gaze, feeling his eyes on her.

In Arjun's eyes, Meera was a cute, bubbly presence. He couldn't explain why, but his eyes always searched for her.Her hair, neither too long nor too short, flowed freely, and her eyes reflected the beauty of the moon.

Their peaceful moment was interrupted by Rohan, who addressed Arjun, "Bhaiyya, I have a doubt. Can I ask?"

Arjun nodded in response, prompting Rohan to inquire,

"Why did you leave New York? You were a professor at a prestigious university and could afford all luxuries. Why come here to teach for less salary and no luxury?"

Meera was shocked to learn about Arjun's past as a wealthy professor. He had never displayed the attitude of the affluent. He always seemed modest, elegant, and strict.

Arjun explained, "It's not about luxury, Rohan. I always wanted to teach people in need. I didn't want to rely on ancestral property. I aim to be a role model for my future generations. Money doesn't bring happiness. I never felt fulfilled in New York; it was just a scholarship opportunity. Being by my mother's side brings me true joy."

Rohan hummed in understanding, acknowledging Arjun's deep love for his mother. Meanwhile, Meera found herself admiring him even more for his noble intentions and dedication to his family.

Once again, a peaceful silence enveloped them until they arrived at Arjun's home.

Upon entering, Arjun's mom greeted him with a playful smack on the head, causing him to hiss and whisper, "Maaa." While meera and rohan giggled earning a glare from their tutor while mother continued,

questioning why he had taken them outside while she cooked delicious food for them "Children at this age should not eat junk food; it's unhealthy for them," she lectured Arjun.

Then, she turned to the kids, saying, "Bhacho, come with me," and led them away.

As Arjun stepped into the dining room, he found his two devils already there, happily eating, talking, and laughing with his mother.

While arjun shook his head in disbelif while a small smile lingered on his lips with an unknown emotion. He too settled himself there enjoying his two chipmunks banther.


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