5 detention

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The next day, Rohan and Meera stumbled into the classroom, breathless and disheveled. Arjun raised an eyebrow at their state, a mixture of amusement and concern crossing his features.

"Why are you two so late?" Arjun asked, his tone laced with mild worry.

Rohan, always quick with a response, grinned sheepishly. "We spotted a black cat on our way here, baiyya. You know how superstitious I am. Didn't want anything to happen to you," he explained, half-jokingly.

Arjun shook his head, amused but unimpressed. "Try to come up with better excuses next time," he said with a chuckle, though his eyes twinkled with amusement.

As Arjun's gaze shifted to Meera, he noticed her watching him intently, her eyes unwavering. Unknown to him, Meera couldn't help but marvel at his handsome features, wondering how someone could be both devilishly charming and academically inclined and here Arjun couldn't help but feel a pang of curiosity about the new student who seemed to be studying him as much as her textbooks.

"Setting his unwavering thoughts aside."
Arjun initiated the conversation. "you are Meera, right?" he asked, even though her name was crystal clear in his mind.

"As he asked her, she snapped out of her cascade of thoughts of admiring his manly features  and startled by his sudden question".

And asked umm "Sorry, I didn't hear that. What did you say?" Meera asked.

Arjun's lips tugged into a gentle smile as he repeated himself, "You're Meera, right?"

"Yes", Meera, said nonchalantly, as her nervousness and fears had dissipated into thin air upon witnessing his calm demeanor on that first day. It was as if his tranquil presence had a magical effect, banishing her anxieties effortlessly.

Okay,now both of you,rohan and meera ,take your seats in the front row. "I saw you both yesterday, doing everything except studying. But that's not going to happen today," he said firmly.

As arjun commanded,  both of them obeyed him.

Arjun approached Meera with genuine curiosity, eager to learn more about her aspirations. "Meera, what are you interested in? What do you want to become? Do you have any goals?" he asked, his voice filled with encouragement.

Before Meera could respond, her mischievous cousin, Rohan, barged in with his usual antics. "Bhaiyya, Meera's interests include eating, watching C,K-dramas, sleeping, and reading fictional books—not study books, bhaiyya  but those crazy fictional ones she's always obsessed with," he declared with a smirk, oblivious to Meera's glare.

Meera shot back, her frustration evident. "And what about you, monkey? You're always glued to your video games, even today. Thanks to your obsession, we ended up running late and had to come up with that ridiculous excuse about the black cat," she snapped, her anger boiling over as she revealed their secret.

Arjun's expression turned stern as he fixed Rohan with a glare. "Rohan, today you're going to have detention for an extra hour," he declared firmly,

Arjun's declaration of detention for Rohan sparked a glimmer of excitement in Meera's eyes, relishing the prospect of her mischievous cousin finally facing consequences for his actions. However, her satisfaction was short-lived as she noticed Rohan's smirk, his expression hinting at something mischievous yet again.

"What's with that smirk?" Meera questioned, narrowing her eyes at Rohan. "You're going to have detention too, you know."

Rohan's smirk only widened as he leaned in closer to Meera, a playful gleam in his eyes. "Meera, guess what? Uncle and aunty are going to a wedding, and they told me while I was on my way here," he admitted with a sheepish grin, clearly unrepentant for his actions.

Meera's expression shifted from annoyance to disbelief as she processed Rohan's revelation. Her mouth formed a small 'o' shape before she let out an exasperated sigh, her frustration evident as she realized the extent of Rohan's antics. With a defeated shake of her head, she made a mock crying face while rohan whiped her invisible tears

Arjun shook his head in disbelief at the ongoing antics of Meera and Rohan. "I'm going to ask you guys questions during detention, so study and stop your one-rupee drama," he scolded them,. "And if you two don't answer correctly, you'll have extra detention tomorrow and imposition too."


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