Part 7

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                                     - Maria -

'And look at this one!' I heard Larson exclaim as he showed me the fifth post of this Ms. Corbyn's instagram. Or Lydia, as we had found out. As he had found out. I didn't care.

I rubbed the bridge of my nose. Lili had sadly left me alone with him, more interested in playing on the slide. She looked like she was enjoying it at least. I always kept an eye on her, didn't want her falling.

'Come on Ri Ri! She's cuteee!' I heard him chuckle as he spoke. Probably laughing at my annoyance. God I hated him.

I nudged my sunglasses down the bridge of my nose to stare at him directly. He raised one eyebrow like he was confused.

'Larson. No.' I spoke stern, like I did when I was telling Lili off, which was very rarely.

He was clearly ignoring me as he yelled just after I finished. Too loud.

'She just posted a story!' He looked at it with smirk before turning it to show me. I turned away though. I had no interest in seeing this random woman's pictures.

'She has a dog, that's hot.' He mumbled, maybe half to himself but he definitely wanted me to hear.

'Maybe I'll just have her instead-' he spoke out but I felt this utter urge to just shut that down.

'No. Larson.' I warned, huffing to myself. I was sick of his weird behaviour.

'Oh sorry didn't realise she belonged to you.' I saw him smirk out the corner of my eye and I shook my head.

'She's not!-' I sighed. 'She doesn't.' I had to let it go. He was being an idiot on purpose to get to me.

'Should have listened to me when-' I cut him off and got up abruptly in the middle of the conversation. I was done with this.

'Lili baby! Do you want ice cream?' I yelled over to her and she squealed.

'Yes yes yes!' She ran quickly toward me, stopping abruptly at my feet.

I laughed a little and tucked some hair behind my ear. 'Come on then.' I urged. I needed to get away from my brother.

'Get some for me!' He yelled as we left and I only nodded, Lili swinging her hand back and forth in mine.

                                   - Lydia -

It's so warm today. Summer was definitely beginning, other than the wind. It was making me sweat already. But Sebastian was loving it. His tongue lolling out his mouth, running along the path.

I always let him off leash, he was great with recall so I never had a problem. I enjoyed being out in this weather, but it was so full of people it kind of was less enjoyable. I never tended to like crowded places.

There was little kids kicking around a ball and giggling and I smiled to myself. I loved kids, that's the whole reason I do my job,obviously but being a mother is something I've always wanted. But being a teacher was enough for now.

Seb was standing and staring at me. He did this when I was walking 'too slow' for his liking. I laughed and sped up a little, pushing my hands forward to tell him to keep going. He ran fast forwards.

I hummed to myself as I kept walking, pulling my hair off my face. Seb was barking from a distance. I looked up at him, sighing. He was running. I chased after him. He never ran away like this. Never.

'Seb! Come on!' I urged, calling him back and repeating it over and over till I caught up to him.

He had run up to some little kid. I didn't see who. But I leant down, clipping his leash back to his harness.

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