Part 8

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                                      - Lydia -

I felt my fingers clasp tighter around my lipstick. My signature red shade. Parent's evening was a big deal. Meredith had got us McDonalds from over across the school and brought it back. It was good. Too good.

I was now reapplying my lipstick, and maybe my eyeliner..and my hair. Not for anything in particular. Just wanted to look presentable in front of parents. A lot of them.

'Hey Ly? I have to head up to my class, you good down here?' I heard Meredith speak and I was snapped out of my trance, staring at my black computer screen for a reflection.

'Ah yeah! All good!' I smiled and she nodded.

'Milkshakes later?' She grinned and I nodded. It had become a tradition for us to get milkshakes after every parent's evening, it helped comfort us after such a hard night. And on a Monday too?

My door clicked shut and shuffled some papers over before sitting in my seat. All the parents had set appointments. So I just had to do one after the other. This will be a piece of cake. I mean I do always say that and it's never true. But either way, optimism never killed anyone.

I heard my door click open and the first parent filed in. It was a rather short woman, her icey eyes glaring at me. I raised a brow.

'Ms. Scott, please sit.' I spoke soft but she roughly dropped herself onto the seat.

She seemed pissed at me the whole time I spoke, but I tried to ignore it. Most parents hated the teachers for one thing or another. A lost property, a mark they didn't get. Even at this age, parents cared about things like that.

She only nodded and every so often said a small 'yes' and scowled at me when I said any problems her son had. He was definitely a good kid, just had low focus, always fidgety. So I explained about the giving him stress toys to mess with and it's really calmed him. She accused me of distracting him and scoffed again, getting up and pushing the door open to leave.

God that was a rocky start. Couldn't get much worse than that though, parents usually just yelled and tore at me then walked away. I tipped my head back and gulped down some water. I couldn't wait for that milkshake.


There was about two more people to finish. But there was one I was most excited for. Maybe not excited. But Lili was doing amazing in my class, I just had to share it.

But before that, there was another little girl, Heather's mother. She came in with a purpose. She was sort of like Maria, but blonde. Tall, slender, formal, her heels clacked. But she gave more of a harsh air to her. Especially in the way she placed herself. Sitting on the chair with such an upright posture I was convinced she was ironed in place.

She pursed her lips.

'Well? Are you going to explain why my little girl got such a low spelling score?' She spoke in a strong voice that made me want to cower.

'Well miss, as I've said previously, she just gets some letters mixed up, but she's doing much better now we are focusing on it in class time and-'

She slammed her fist on the desk. 'That is not good enough!' Her voice was so loud, it caused me to flinch. 'I expect my daughter's scores are high! She gets those answers right!' She went on, huffing.

'Ma'am I get your upset but-' I continued but she cut me off again.

'No you don't! Did your mother never teach you anything?!' She yelled in frustration and got up, muttering things under her breath, storming out.

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