Part 18

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                                    - Maria -

It had been a week since I'd passed out in Lydia's classroom. She had demanded to stay with me, and when she was working she text me and called me any break she got. She also demanded Sasha check in with me and deliver me soup, which Sasha wasn't too thrilled about either, but who was she to say no to her?

I groaned as I sat up in my bed. I had been here forever. Work had discharged me. For 2 months. Doctors orders. I didn't want that, but Lydia said it would be good for me. After she reminded me her and Lili would be off for summer in a week, I quickly forgot how annoyed I was.

I imagined the daisy chains, picnics, late afternoon playtimes with Lili and her..god her. She would be here in about an hour to check up on me. It's my last day of bed rest before I can go back out. Which I was ecstatic for, but Lydia wasn't so much.

I mean she was there to witness me fall, she saw me in the hospital. I think she still is worried I'll break or something from seeing the sun. I'm not annoyed though, I know she just cares for me a lot.

I brushed my hair from my face and from downstairs I heard the sound of my door creaking open and little feet rushing to my door. Hearing little knocks, I gave a reply in a rasp 'come in!'

My little girl busted into the room, leaping onto my bed and crawling into the sheets with me. I missed this, her cuddling me. I let myself sigh as she crawled onto me. I looked like shit. My makeup hasn't been touched for ages, it's probably collecting dust. Okay, maybe I was over exaggerating, but I genuinely was having a confidence low with no makeup.

'Hey princess.' I gently patted her head and she grinned up at me, that took gap was finally filling with a growing teeth. God I didn't want her to grow up. I didn't want her to grow at all.

I then heard a noise as my door was creaked further open and my other girl wandered in. Her hair was half up, unlike the way it was down this morning. She must have put it up. I admired her few baby hairs handing out before retracting my gaze briefly to the tv, that was still playing Netflix brain rot.

'Hey, how's mama doing?' She directed this at Lydia who nodded quickly, grinning at her now too. I know she was directing it at Lydia, but the way she referred to me as 'mama' made my face heat up. She must have noticed, because I watched a smirk play on her lips.

'Yeah I'm good.' I let out a long sigh. 'Just been watching trash tv.' The sigh was just because I felt so cooped up. I wanted to get out, run errands, I felt so weird without something to do. I am a doer, my whole family are. I need something to do or I get frustrated.

Lydia's face just screamed sympathy , her eyes softened as she spoke. 'Good, I was going to make Lasagna tonight, that sound good?' I nodded quickly. My mother used to make me that all the time as a kid. I think of it as my comfort food.

'I wanna help!' I heard my little girl yell into my ear and Lydia laugh. I found myself laughing along, which I hadn't done in a bit.

'Lili, inside voice, remember?' I heard Lydia urge as I felt my little girl scramble over me to hop off the bed. God she stood on my boob, that hurt.

'Sorry Mo- Lydia!' She then rushed out with giggles but my eyes searched Lydia's. Did she just almost call Lydia Mom? I think I saw a twinkle in Lydia's eyes and I assume there was one in mine too, because when she looked into mine I saw her grin. She then turned away and my room was empty as quick as it was filled.

I didn't feel as bad as I had before though as I heard an eruption of giggles from downstairs where my girls were cooking. My girls. God I needed to stop referring to them like that. But I couldn't help it, they were my girls.

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