Part 21

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                                     - Lydia -

I groaned, rolling over and feeling the instant close drop, making me turn back over. Fuck. Was I still on the couch? I propped myself up on my elbows, letting my eyes adjust to the warm light. What time was it? I stared down to what I lay on. God..her.

She's so beautiful. Even asleep, she is an angel, her hair, her face..I'd never seen her so relaxed. I managed to savour the moment before she fluttered her eyes open. The hum of someone cutting their grass in the distance setting a background sound.

Her deep brown eyes melted into mine and I felt my eyes adjust to the do the same. I heard her groan as she shifted under me, I sighed lowering myself back onto her, feeling her heart pound in her chest. I steadied my breathes to the rhythm of her heartbeat, calming myself.

After the comfortable silence of ours for about 10 minutes, I spoke up.

'I'm sorry if I woke you.' I muttered softly, letting a breath I didn't know I was holding in, out.

'No it's fine..' I heard her say low. Raspy. I wish I could wake up to that every morning. God no what was I thinking? Maybe we kissed every so often but we aren't together..are we?

I heard some buzzes beneath the blankets somewhere and felt Maria shift to find the source. I sighed and sat up. Moment ruined. She sighed and gave a apologetic look to me as she trashed the blankets to the side. Eventually she found the source. Her phone.

'Fuck.' I heard her physically let it out with a harsh 'F'. Her eyes were narrowed.

'What?' I groaned, insanely convinced I was still half asleep.

'It's 12:34..' she muttered, which made my eyes grow wide. Not half asleep anymore I guess.

'God Mari I'm so sorry...' I felt myself apologise, it was a big instinct for me to immediately apologise for anything I was involved in.

'No no, it's okay...' her voice seemed to fade off towards the end. She was scrolling through her phone, probably trying to check on Lili. I know Lili is always her top priority, I admire her for that.

She let out a big breath, which I assume means she found out where Lili is and if she's okay. 'She's with Lara and Sasha for the day, they took her to a fair..' she smiled slightly. She really had great friends. Sometimes it made me really wonder where Lili's father was. None of my business though.

'Oh that's good..' I pondered a minute on what she had just said. 'So you' today?' I felt my mouth open and let out before I thought about it.

I saw her smirk from the corner of my eye and that made my face heat up.

'I am indeed. Why do you want a date or something, Corbyn?' I grinned to myself at the use of my last name. I always yelled at her for that, using my last name. I did secretly like it though.

'I was thinking more getting back to what we were doing..' I mumbled slowly and gently. I was taking my time and bracing for rejection or something.

'Not that I oppose, but we do happen to be in yesterday's clothes, that can't be too comfortable for you, I know for a fact it isn't for me.' I heard her chuckle and perked up.

'Oh fuck yeah, kinda forgot..' I laughed awkwardly at myself. God now that I thought about it, it was very uncomfortable.

'Come with me.' I heard her gently state and I stood, a little wobbly, following close behind her.

                                - Maria -

Lydia was sifting through the drawers behind me, looking for something to wear. If I was honest I'd also rather skip this part to get straight into cuddles again. But I couldn't do that. We had to be comfortable.

I pursed my lips as I rummaged through my pairs of shorts and finally found a pair. They were so old, but worked a trick for cuddle days. I pulled them out and went to put them down but felt something remaining in the pocket. I rolled my eyes, Lili had a tendency of hiding toys in my shirt pockets sometimes.

I pulled my hand with the object out of the pocket and my eyes narrowed. It was a well worn, rugged folded piece of paper. I cocked my head a little and raised a brow. What the hell was this?

I unfolded each corner, stuffing the shorts under my arm so I could focus on unfolding the paper. As I straightened it out and looked at it closer, my heart leapt into my throat. It displayed a younger me, much younger. I had no wrinkles and a big childish grin. A younger shell of the man I very much hated clutching his hand around my shoulder. We looked like we were at a house party or something, because he was holding a red solo cup in his other.

I really hadn't worn these shorts in a while.

I felt my head go fuzzy as I felt a hand on my shoulder and flinched away, my eyes widening. But I paused turning to see Lydia's concerned gaze fixated on me.

'God sorry you startled me, zoned out a minute.' I spoke trying to shake the wavering tone of my voice as I crinkled the photo and threw it into my bedroom bin.

'It's..okay..' she seemed unsure. She was doing the thing I hated that everyone did around me when I had a problem. Walking on eggshells around me like I was going to break myself.

'You found something?' I raised a brow as she held up a little outfit with a nod and grin. It was a big band tee that I had bought years ago for arctic monkeys and a pair of jogging bottoms that were a simple grey.

'Great! Go get changed in that bathroom and go downstairs I will be right out!' I muttered quickly as I signalled to the bathroom outside and she quickly scurried away from me.

I felt my shoulders sink as she walked away and I let myself fall into a sit on my bed. My hands in my hair, running through it with my fingers. Pinching the bridge of my nose. God he isn't even here anymore how does he have control?

                               -  Lydia -

I found myself standing in the middle of the living room, mindlessly clearing up dishes and cups from the night before. My brain was on autopilot. I moved them to the side before I heard a voice pipe up from just beside me.

'You don't need to do that..' It was her. Before I could even look her in the eye, she had her arms around me. I'd never expect a woman like her to be clingy. Not at all. But I wasn't complaining, not one bit.

I let her do so, and snaked my hands around her waist, sitting down on the sofa as she leant back, dragging the blanket with us to quickly tuck over our bodies. I heard her let out a sigh. But seemed content, not stress, not worry, just content.

She dug her face into my collarbone, I felt her warm breath creep down my borrowed shirt. I found it warming my whole body, head to toe. My grip tightened around her. I didn't know what happened in the bedroom. I noticed she had been looking at a photo. No idea what of though.

She looked so scared when I simply touched her on the shoulder. Whatever tied to the picture hurt her, was dead to me. I found myself tucking my head over hers, as if fully shielding her from the world.

'Your safe. I've got you.' I decided to whisper into her. I felt some tension ease from her body as I felt her eyes burning into mine. I looked down at her confused expression and smiled simply.

She eventually gave up the one sided staring contest and snuggled up into my chest again.

What are we?


Short and sweet this time! I don't have a ton of time with exams, stress and tiredness so I'm trying my best to get these out!

Love yall !

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