Part 19

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                                     - Lydia -

I found myself humming to the same Disney playlist as last night, scrubbing the dishes as Lili loudly clinked her spoon into her bowl. She demanded having her favourite cereal this morning, to celebrate her mama getting out of bed rest. She was still asleep though. I hoped she wouldn't wake up any time soon either.

I had really let the house go while I'd been caring for her. It was so littered with toys, pens, random clothes. God. Her poor beautiful house, ruined by me. I hummed a little as I finished up the last dish. They did have a dishwasher, but I wasn't about to admit I didn't know how to use it. So I used the excuse of not trusting them.

I put the last of them, dried and away. Then moving to wetting a cloth and wiping down the stained counters, it all came off quite easily though. I heard a clank of a spoon being put down, I assumed that meant Lili was done and I turned for my assumption to be confirmed.

'Hey Lili honey? We need to clean okay?' She frowned, screwing her fists up into balls. I sighed with a slight chuckle.

'I don't want to clean.' I saw her pout out the corner of my eye, as I cleaned the counter some more. My aim was to be able to see my face in it.

'How about, we do something I always do. You can start in the living room. I can start a song and you have until the end of it to put all the toys away.' I grinned. It's how I did clean at home, and to be fair, it was effective to me.

'Like a competition?' She grinned as I watched her eyes widen and light up. She shuffled in her seat before landing on the floor.

'Yeah, like a competition.' I smiled slightly, taking her dish and washing that too to put away. I opened the fridge. I had been stocking up on food for her though. Next for me to tackle was washing.

'Deal!' She flashed me a toothy grin. Her gaps were starting close already. God that broke my heart.

'Alright, what song do we want?' I questioned, anticipating what I thought she would pick.

'Tangled playlisttt.' She yelled in a sing song tone. Called it. I slammed on the first song and she rushed off as I put my phone down. I gently followed her picking up and picked up any loose blankets or cushions, piling them as she fumbled around my feet. I grinned at her antics as she was throwing toys into boxes. Probably to make it more like a game.

I hummed to the melody and Lili was singing along, but still focusing. I finally got the couch looking normal so headed to clear up the bathroom downstairs. It still had some unorganised scattered face wash and such. Lili was using it lately to get ready in the morning.

I heard the song end and head a loud patter of feet, as Lili appeared in the doorway.

'I did it M- Lydia!' She grinned, and I nodded. She was very fast when she put her mind to it, I had to admit it.

'That you did. Good job Princess' The next song blared through the speakers and I smiled. She sung along already, rushing out, probably to find something else to do with the same rules. I hear her feet patter on the stairs to go upstairs, probably to her room.

I finished in the bathroom downstairs and now I found myself wandering around each inch of the house, picking up loose clothing and piling it into my arms. I placed it in the laundry room they had. A whole room for laundry. Jesus, I didn't even have a dryer.

I piled them in the machine and filled the softener drawer and shoved a pod in, turning it onto its spin cycle. I sighed, leaving the basket in the room and closed the door so it wasn't too loud.

I headed into the living room again, noticing Seb napping in the corner. He had been so good, being somewhere new could sometimes get him skittish. But he wasn't one bit, he was actually quite calm and settled here. I passed him and leant down, rubbing his head. He wagged his tail, signifying he felt it was me and that was enough for me to leave him alone.

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