Part 22

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                                     - Maria -

Lydia had left 2 hours ago. Man I missed her. We had napped for about 3 more hours before I finally woke up. Apparently Lili wanted me to meet them all there, because she wanted to go on a merry go round with me or something. It was sweet.

So I had thrown a loose dress on and done up my hair. No makeup though, what was the point if I had to wash it all off. Who was paying attention in a busy place like that anyway?

I gripped my keys, they jangled in my hand as I did so. Dipping out the door, I felt the warm afternoon sun warm my skin gently. God I love summer. It's always a great time to get out, and getting out with a child is always a break of the century. Most of the time..

I locked the door behind me and wandered out onto the gravel driveway to my car. I couldn't lie, it was one expensive car. The one downside is that this time of year brought up all the dust from the driveway. The car was dirty before it could even be rinsed. Another job to add to my long summer list.

I sat in the car and placed my water bottle in the cup holder with a clink. Usually I kept no radio on, it just was nice to have a natural, quiet drive when I barely got peace. But lately I'd had too much. Too much time to think and clear my head. So I pressed the radio and it came blasting from the speakers, causing me to immediately flinch and turn it down.

God. Lili and her Disney sound tracks. Then again, I don't know what I'd do with my day without a bit of Rapunzel to start it off. I hummed a little to the last of the song playing on the radio before the announcer butted in. I reversed back from my drive with a sigh as he was talking about some radio competition. I don't know, they have thousands all the time.

Then another song blasted through the speakers. Some sort of Hozier song, I mean I didn't mind his music, it was better than Taylor Swift. Something other than the repetitive buzz of her lyrics that burned my ears every time I heard it.

I tapped my steering wheel to the rough beat of the music, humming the whole way there, until I was hitting the louder music. The bright lights flashing in front of me as I turned my car through the sludge of mud to try find an appropriate spot to park my car. There were barely any spaces. God it really was rammed.

I finally got to a space and stepped out of my car, clutching my phone close as I tried to avoid any mud too deep. Me and my boots made it through and finally dispersed into the large crowd. Sasha had texted and said they'd meet me at the small Ferris wheel. Despite it being small, I could just about see the top above the seas of people in front of me.

I pushed through the last few sets of squealing little kids that surprisingly caused quite the blockage and spied my little girl who had already noticed me. She came running at full speed and I caught her, leaning down a little.

'Mama!' She yelled and let out the most precious high pitched squeal. I tickled her sides which just made her giggle more.

'Hey princess, how's my little girl?' I questioned at her. She pouted in response.

'I am not little! I'm big!' I saw her frown on her face, sighing at her with a smile.

'Okay, so tell me how you are, big girl.' She seemed satisfied with my compliance and nodded, leading me back to Sasha, Lara and..Meredith, was it? They all waved a little in response to my presence.

I felt an arm slink around my shoulder before I could let my little girl explain her feelings more than a nod. I turned my head to, as expected, be met with a smirking Sasha.

'Took you long enough!' She giggled, she was yelling over the loud carnival music. This would have been fine if it wasn't 10 notches above how loud she actually had to be. From the way her speech slurred a little, I assumed she was a little tipsy. Seriously, while looking after my child?

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