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Italic: thoughts
Bold: extra sounds
Underline: call/texting

(Seira Pov)
We sat together at the cafeteria. None of us really spoke as we were each minding our own business. I didn't bother to get anything since I wasn't hungry. Instead I just stared at the clay figures I made at class and moved them around in pure boredom.

I glanced at the others and started observing them. Ben had his head down, probably still tired from what happened the night prior. Aiden was making a mini structure with his food which honestly looked pretty interesting

I looked over to the others who were mostly staring at their food or eating. The silence was broken by Tyler who seemed sort of pissed "I think we should go back to Savannah" I glared at Tyler hearing his sentence before going back to my crafts.

SLAM! I zoned out of the conversation until Tyler slammed his hands onto the table making me flinch a bit. "I'VE LOST COUNT HOW MANY NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCES I'VE HAD-" I heard him snap as I see the surrounding students staring at us like we were crazy, Some even going to eat some where else while I continued to observe them until BAM!

My attention was brought back to the group as I heard Ben slam his fist to the table hard, startling the entire group as silence filled the air again. I folded my arms together and lightly gripped my sides as I sighed, I was never one for arguments like these... I decided to put on my airpods and listen to music as Tyler continued his ramble, I've had enough arguments for today..

How did this even happen again?.. Oh, right...

[TᗯO ᗯᗴᗴKՏ ᗩᘜO..]
I sat on my usual seat beside Ashlyn Zoning out again and staring at the window, pre usual.

My thoughts were interrupted by two boys who I've never seen before entering the bus and sitting behind me. A lond haired boy with a smile plastered over his face with taller boy following him quietly.

A childish blonde and a quiet kid.. Well this should be interesting...?

As I observed the boy I accidentally made eye contact with him, seeing as he immediately grinned I turned a blind eye on him and continued to stare at the window. But before I could get a chance to zone out again the blonde peered over to my seat and and called out to me. "Hi" he greeted me with an amused tone.

I stared at him for a few seconds before waving my hand and greeting him back. "Hi." I simply said and followed up with a question for him soon after "you two new?" I asked as I saw the taller one nod as the blonde awnsered. "Yep. We moved here a week or so ago fron Virginia, can't remember what town it was though. Oh and I'm Aiden! And that's my cousin Ben." Aiden explained as I hummed in response, somewhat paying attention As my gaze stayed at the window which Aiden had to question about..

"Whats so interesting about the window? You keep staring at it.." He asked as he stared at the window intently, waiting for my awnser. "I just like watching the scenery, that's all.." I responded before seeing Ashlyn enter the bus. Aiden's eyes caught the sight of he bus graveyard as he was practically glued to the window.

I saw Ashlyn sitting beside me as we quietly greeted each other before doing our own thing, that was until Aiden startled Ashlyn with his greeting making her panick and almost hit the seat in front of us if not for my hand that acted like a make shift cushion. After that incident I basically ignored their chat, occasionally hearing their conversation. It was basically a recap on what him and I talked about before Ashlyn's arrival.

I put on my airpods and stared at the window zoning out again and drifted into my thoughts and the music while waiting for the bus to arrive at our school.

678 words
|Author note|
° I did this half asleep n I didn't recheck my spelling so There might be some typo's, sorry in advance! I'll make another update soon so stay tuned!

-onigi 🍙

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