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Italic: thoughts
Bold: extra sounds
Underline: call/texting

(Seira Pov)
i sat in between Taylor and Ashlyn, staring blankly at the paper the teacher handed us before flipping it over and doodling on it. i started drawing a snake while giving half of my attention to the teacher, hearing his ramble as i occasionally made notes on the key points of his explanation. presentation, topic.. field trip... extra credit.. permission slips.... sounds simple enough. i thought as i took short summarized notes to review on later.

I spent the rest 25 minutes just doodling and talking to Taylor and Tyler, mostly Taylor since Ashlyn didn't seem to be in the mood to talk much seeing that she basically turned into a turtle with her sitting position.. "Seira, your joining the field trip right?" Taylor called out, pulling me back to reality as i glanced at her and simply nodded. earning a small cheer from her as i sighed. this shouldn't be that bad. i thought to myself as i listened to her rant again.

after a while, the teacher reminded us our time was up. i sighed before standing up and being basically dragged by Taylor as she dragged my arm to get a slip at Mr.Thoma's desk. "do i really have to go?.." i whined as i picked up the pink sheet of paper with Taylor behind me. "oh c'mon Seira, don't you want extra credits?" Taylor tried to reason with me as i slumped my shoulders a bit before groaning slipping the paper in my bag. why did i think this'll be a good idea again..?

as i was making my way out and playing with my phone it started ringing indicating i had a notification. i opened it to see i was added to a group.

:[History Group] groupchat:

-You were added by Normal.Twin-

seriously..? i sighed as i looked at the members, adding the ones i didn't save or have and decided to text them and other people in my contact while waiting for Ashlyn and the bus.

i sighed as i turned off my phone when i heard Ashlyn groan as she basically ran towards me with how fast she walked. "you done already?" i asked as she just nodded before seeing her phone. "is the bus late?" she asked as i saw him glare at Aiden's contact info. I decided to ignore her and walk to the bus, letting that be an issue for a later time.

The Banner's invited me to stay at their house since my parents are out of town for a business trip which I reluctantly accepted. I arrived at their house and lounged in ashlyn's room while they talked for a while, probably ashlyn ranting about her day.

I sat on the floor and leaned into her bed and paused. Seeing as I did everything I could with my phone I decided to head down stairs out of pure boredom and curiosity. But apparently The Banner's weren't the only people who were downstairs.

Turns out I accidentally walked in on the Banner's and the Clark's last minute visit as they stared at me who was standing at the end of the staircase staring at them blankly.

The awkward silence was interrupted when Aiden decided to speak up. "Oh, Hi Sei!" He greeted me with that smile of his. It's honestly impressive how unfazed he is.. I paused before deciding to walk towards the two families. "hey.." i greeted him before i met eyes with his parents, they looked at me smiling as if observing me.

i lightly bowed my head towards them and greeted them "hello Mr and Mrs.Clark sorry if i disturbed your little chat here." i said with my usual nonchalant expression. i felt a bit bad for not smiling back at them as i say their expression faltered a bit but i was never one to smile much anyway.

i made my way to the kitchen to get a when Mrs.Banner started to talk to me. "so Seira, Aiden was just telling us about a school field trip your class is having. are you perhaps joining aswell?" she asked me as i halted and turned to her before nodding. "oh, yeah. Taylor invited me so im joining." i told her as Ashlyn glared at me for some unknown reason. "why?" i asked as as i started to observe everyone there. i saw Ashlyn in an annoyed expression and her parents look dumbfounded, probably panicking which is understandable since I'm basically the only one who actually visits and comes to their house..

when i saw that none of them were speaking to me anymore i went back to do my own thing and grab the can of the monster i placed at their fridge when i came in, i walked out the kitchen and met eyes with a very happy looking Aiden as he basically eyed my energy drink. i paused and stared at him blanky and side eyed him before going back to drinking my drink while walking up.

i went into Ashlyn's room and grabbed my laptop from my bag and started to work on my composed songs. While having my earpods on I saw the door slowly open and Aiden walking in with a smile and sat beside me "so, whatcha doin?" He asked as I looked at him blankly, Not really knowing how to react to his sudden intrusion. "Um.."

907 words
|Author note|

sorry it wasn't as long as the episode before. I was planning to make it longer but I had a surprisingly tight schedule and got busy (/□\*) I'll post again soon!

-onigi 🍙

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