Anokhi's nightmare

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Seeing Alok injured, Hardik started going towards him. Then Vikram stopped him and whispered, “Wait, where are you going? Stand here quietly.”

“Omkar, what are you doing? Don’t forget that today your mother is safe because of this man.”, Manish shouted at Omkar.

Then Omkar shouted, “Enough is enough. Manish Mittal, how low will you stoop. Just think what will you tell her when mummy regains consciousness? Will you be able to tell where her daughter is, will you be able to tell how we have treated her since her birth till now, will you be able to tell that for your selfishness you sold her to this man.”

Manish’s eyes lowered on hearing Omkar’s words. Omkar again came to Alok and said angrily, “Tell me clearly where my sister is or else I will kill you right here and you are not ashamed of doing such a thing. Don’t you have a daughter?  If someone had done this to her."

“ No one can does this. No one has the courage to even touch Alok Shergill's daughter. Do you know why? Because my daughter is my life. I can die but will never do anything bad to her. But this happened with Anokhi. Why? Because this is her family, sorry, it was her family. Such a father, such a brother who killed her bit by bit since childhood. That is why you do not have the right to know how she is right now and as far as killing me is concerned, then forget about it. Killing Alok Shergill is not that easy. If it was that easy, then I would not be standing in front of you today and in these 2 years you must have known what I am. In these 2 years, you have used all your strength, but could not even reach me and you are talking about taking my life. If you are wise, then think, when I can come to your house and take your sister with me, give life to your mother, then what else can I do?  So spend your life with your mother who has regained consciousness, celebrate Rakshabandhan with your sister Mithali, go to office with your father and play football with your brother, this is what will be good for you child.” Saying this, Alok patted Omkar’s cheek and turned to leave.

On hearing his words, Omkar clenched his fist in anger. Alok walked two steps and then turned and looked at Omkar without any emotion and said, “I am not like you people. Anokhi is safe wherever she is and she is getting everything she deserves.” Saying this, Alok left from there and Omkar was just looking at him angrily while leaving.

After meeting Dr. Wilson, Alok came to his car in the parking area and opened the door of the driving seat, just then someone put his hand on the door and closed the door again.

When Alok turned around, it was Vikram and Hardik was also with him. Seeing both of them, Alok’s eyes narrowed. He said, “What are you both doing here?”

Hardik said, “ Alok Uncle, Archana Mittal, I mean I was also involved in Anokhi's mother's surgery, that's why I am here.”

“ And I had come to meet him in the hospital, but how could I have known that after coming here I would know so much. But I regret that I did not know everything.”, Vikram also said.

“ So be happy with whatever you have found out and get out of my way.”, Alok said in a strict tone and opened the door again and sat on the driving seat.

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