Swati Tiwari's attitude

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Sorry friends, I had promised of 3 updates but I couldn't give them. But both my chapters of yesterday were a bit long but today I am giving 3 chapters. Enjoy.

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Rishabh gave his card to the attendant. The attendant's eyes widened on seeing the card given by Rishabh. It was a black card which was found with very few people in the world. As soon as she took that card in her hand, her hands started trembling.

She went to the manager and after making the payment, she gave the card back to Rishabh. Then Rishabh signaled Anokhi to go, Anokhi held the attendant's hand and said, "Thank you so much Didi, you are very nice, you helped me a lot in wearing this dress."

The attendant also smiled and said, "It's okay ma'am, this is our work and you are also very nice."

Just then Rishabh came in front of that attendant. Seeing him, the attendant quickly left Anokhi's hand and lowered his eyes.

Rishabh asked the attendant in his bowl voice, "What is your name?  ”

Hearing this, the attendant got scared. She thought that she had made a mistake by holding Anokhi's hand and that Rishabh might get her fired because of this mistake. She said nervously, " I am really sorry sir. "

Rishabh asked again, " I did not tell you to say sorry, I asked what is your name? "

" Swati Swati Tiwari sir. ", the girl said fearfully.

Just then Rishabh signaled something to his bodyguard and the bodyguard brought a bundle of money and put it in the staff's hand.

Rishabh said to him, " You did a good job. "

Seeing that money, all the staff were surprised, including Swati. She refused and said, " No sir, what I did was really my work. I don't need this. " Saying this, she tried to return the money. 

“ I know that is why I am giving it to you and from next time whenever my wife comes here for shopping, you will attend to her and I am not in the habit of repeating my words.” Hearing his threat, Swati took the money and Rishabh left from there with Anokhi.

After Rishabh and Anokhi left, the rest of the female staff surrounded Swati and one of them said with a frown, “She has hit the jackpot today. Look how much money she has received as tip.”

“Yes, that is true, but the thing to think about is why did that man give her so much money? Swati, be careful what if he will does get some other work done from you in exchange of this tip.”, another staff also said in double meaning word.

Then the third staff put her hand on the shoulder of that staff and said, “Hey, even if he wants her to do something else, Swati will do it happily. She can do anything for money. Otherwise, how will she raise her son?”

Then Swati stared at them and said, “You are absolutely right, if I do not earn money, then how will I raise my son and you are also right that I can do anything for money. I can even break someone’s face and bone here and you people have also come across this quality of mine.  So shut your mouth and why are you eyeing my money? You would have got money too if you didn't think of that madam as one of those girls who wear clothes not to hide their bodies but to show them off. If you had chosen a dress like me, this tip would have been in your hands right now."

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