Chapter 7: Night Parade of a Hundred Demons

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Several days had passed since Geto and his cohorts declared war on the jujutsu world.

As expected, tension gripped the surroundings of the school grounds. The once serene atmosphere had been replaced by a palpable sense of urgency, with sorcerers and staff alike scurrying about in preparation for the impending war.

Shiki noticed numerous unfamiliar faces; most likely other sorcerers who had been called back for this emergency situation.

"'s that man's fault," Shiki exhaled a weary sigh. Clad in a blue kimono, she gazed at the ceiling in her room, lost in thought.

While she understood the necessity of calling back other sorcerers, it made her uncomfortable. The atmosphere surrounding the school, coupled with the tense atmosphere, made it difficult for her to focus on her training.

"Should I follow Panda's advice and take a little rest?" As she pondered, she realized that since arriving at the school, she had done nothing but train.

With that in mind, Shiki rose from her bed and changed into a more suitable attire. She selected a pure white kimono with a floral pattern adorning one side of the shoulder.

Retrieving her cell phone, she made sure to send a message to Gojo. The sound of tapping on the screen filled the room as she typed her message: "I'm going out, will use your money."

After sending the message, she dialed Akari Nitta's number. Akari was an auxiliary manager at Tokyo Jujutsu High School. "Ah, Hello, Nitta-san, could you take me to the city? I have some business there. Yes, I'll be waiting for you at the front gate."

With all her preparations complete, Shiki left her room.







"I'll call you back once I'm finished."

As Shiki bid her farewell as stepped out of the car.

She found herself in the heart of Tokyo. The towering skyscrapers loomed overhead, casting shadows over the busy streets below.

People hurried along the sidewalks, their footsteps a constant echo against the pavement. The air was alive with the sound of chatter, laughter, and the occasional honking of car horns.

Shiki walked along the bustling sidewalks, observing the diverse crowd going about their activities. She took note of every passing individual before sighing. "It's a pity, in a few days, this place will become a battlefield."

As Shiki strolled around the town, she took her time, allowing herself to fully absorb the sights and sounds of the bustling city around her.

Amidst the crowd, Shiki's attention was captured by a quaint antique shop nestled between two towering buildings. Its weathered sign, bearing the name swayed gently in the breeze.

"Kirihara Antique Shop,"

Intrigued, Shiki decided to step inside. Slowly, she pushed open the creaking door, the soft chime of a bell announcing her arrival.

"Welcome" after entering the shop, shiki was greeted by the owner who is sitting right at the counter. She looked up at the counter where an old gentelman with gray hair is sitting.

Shiki curiously glance around after entering and took the enviroment in; old furnishing, murky windows, and cheap shelves with random "antiques" strewn randomly along the cabinets, the perfect representation of what this business dealt with.

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