The other woman

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"GET THE FUCK UP" Harper yells at me as I'm sound asleep in my bed "ROSLYN WE ARE LATE AND ITS OUR FIRST GAME GET UP" Harper continues yelling at me and I finally get up wondering what in the actual fuck I going on

"maybe if you didn't stay out with fuck face we wouldn't be late" she tells me, she keeps going on and on about Ryker and whats gonna happen but I'm just ignoring her and putting my hair up in a ponytail

we make it to the car speeding down the road but it only takes us literally a minute because we live in dorms which aren't very far

Harper and I are sprinting to the gym going straight into the locker room and changing and getting ready, after we are done we get out on the court and the other team is obviously here because we are late but we get out there and practice before we play which is in a couple minutes

before the game starts the coach comes behind me and asks  why we were late I just told her we slept in and it would not happen again and she told me it better not happen again

time skip~
it's 27-29 the other team is winning right at the moment we only have 5 minutes til the game is over and when I tell you I've never tried my hardest ever I'm telling you now that I've never hit the ball so hard over the net

Earning us a point, I look up at the crowd to see if my mom or dad made it which they didn't but before I get my head back in the game I get spiked in the face luckily it was a foul and we got a point so all we needed was 1 point in the next 37 Seconds and we do indeed get that point and the crowd goes wild, I jump in Harpers arms and we spin around

I look up at the bleachers to see icy blue eyes staring directly into my soul and of course those blue eyes belong to Paige but she was with Olivia holding hands right in front of me, I started to get upset but I feel big arms wrap around me swing me around

Ryker the love of my life holding me tightly after I just won a game is all I could ever ask for while I was in highschool but now it's just different

he kisses me right in front of pagie and I Iet him but then I see someone coming down the bleachers that I know really well.

Mia Mays my older sister the perfect one in the family she has the best job the best husband the best house she's literally perfect always has been.

"Miaaa hiii" I say grabbing my sister by the neck and pulling her in so close "hi sis" she says hugging me back "mom and dad really wanted to come but they couldn't catch flight" she tells me and I just still stand there hugging her

"hey mia" Ryker says to mia and she just gives me a weird look

"Hey Ros can we talk"my sister asked me as we walk to the other side of the gym to have a conversation that I already knew was coming up it was about ryker.

"what the hell are you doing with him Roslyn?"my sister asked me kind of in a mad tone and I just shrugged my shoulders she knew why I was with him

When ryker  dumped me at prom the first person I called was MIA I didn't know what to do I was sitting there and my prom dress in the rain crying Mia came and  picked me up. Mia knew how I felt about him because she said she had her own Ryker

"what about that girl Harper told me about hmm?" Mia tells me and I look over at Harper and see her smiling at Keegan but I'm kind of hurt that she told my sister about Paige and I was going to ask her about it later but I didn't want to put too much thought into it now

"Is your face okay" pagie asks walking over to me and my sister
"Excuse me" mia says with attitude
I hit her in the arm before mouthing to her that that was the girl harper was talking about and Mia automatically switches up
"Hi I'm mia, Roslyns older sister" they shake hands as Mia tells her.

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