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I expected a limo, maybe even a cab if he was cheap, but not this.

That's what you're thinking as you squeal loudly through the air, hands gripped tightly on the jacket of a certain pro's costume, legs wrapped around his hips to keep you up.

"Havin' fun up there cutie?" he asks, and you can't see his smirk but you can hear it in his voice.


You grin happily as you land, hopping off of the pro with a quick click of your heel to the sidewalk. He's placed you infront of a suprisingly fancy restaurant, until you remember how it shouldn't be suprising- he's rich.

Oh, to have that much money.

He takes you inside to which he immediately gets a booth in the corner. You take a picture for your snap story and Tokoyami think's that at this point you're embarrassing him on purpose.

"Now, do you know why I chose you two to take up as my little trainees?" Hawks asks, pulling his feet up on the table and taking a long hard sip of his root beer.

Tokoyami nods, thinking he has an idea, while you shrung, texting a friend about whatever else is on your mind until two feathers snatch up your device.

You whine. "My phone, what the fuckkk."

"It's because-" he shoves your phone in his pocket, continuing with his whole thing. "-you little lady, have my brains and my looks. And you have the bird quirk!"

The raven boy sighs. He's quickly realizing this was a big mistake.


"Anyways-" Hawks quickly interupts. "let's order before it gets too dark outiside. I need to guve you both a tour before I can show you to your rooms or anything."


The rest of the night is filled with you and Hawks cackling loudly at random shit on your phone and taking 0.5 pictures of eachother and with eachother, making matching wallpapers.

Tokoyami simply wants to kill himself.

Despite the notion that it would be a quick dinner, by the time you all get to the agency, it's 11pm and you're falling asleep on the Hero's back on the way over.

The offical tour, given by Hawks himself (who seems glad to interact with you directly unlike other pros who simply hand their trainees off to their sidekcicks) is short and sweet, and he makes sure to drill into your minds where all the bathrooms are. Which is difficult since they'res over twenty.

Your rooms are near his own for those nights when he needs to stay at this particular loction, and you happily slouch into the extra cozy bed he just gave you, not even bothering to say goodnight.

Until three in the morning, when you wake up and can't go back to sleep.

"I hate everything." you mutter to yourself as you get up, putting on your pink Juicy Couture slippers you had brought with you for the week.

It's cold outside your room and you shiver for a second before going on your hunt for one of the millions of bathrooms.

"You awake pretty girl?"

You barely hold back a scream as Hawks places a hand on your shoulder.

"Oh my fuck, you scared me half to death!"

He chuckles quietly. "My bad entirely. Seriously though, we've got things to do. Why are you up so late?"

You sigh, fixing your loose t-shirt and messy hair. "I woke up a few minutes ago, can't go back to sleep. How about you, chicken feathers? You've got some people to train tomorrow yourself."

"Same here." He looks at your disheveled appearance with a little smile. "You wanna talk about it?"

Rubbing your eyes, you mutter a quick, "Sure. Maybe your old man talk'll bore me to death."

You lean up against the wall of the hallway, slumping down to sit. He joins you.

"Old man talk?" Hawks raises his eyebrows. "Who you callin' an old man? I'm only nineteen. I should be callin' you a toddler if anything. First years are like what, fourteen?"

You push him by his shoulder, laughing. "Hey asshole, I'm sixteen, don't try me."

"Oh wowww, because I'm so much older than you. At least you act your age, that other kid is a little serious, don't you think?"

Nodding, you smile. "Agreed. He's so emo too. No offense, he can pull it off pretty well, but it's still a little concerning."

"Harsh, pretty girl, harsh." he laughs.

"So," you start a new topic, yawning loudly. "What's it like being a pro?"

The man smiles. "Honestly, a lot better than I thought it would be. I think that being able to fight villains, despite the exhaustion it comes with, it worth it knowing how many people I'm saving by doing so. Every hero has a brand too, and I'm glad that my own brand is being laid back. I'm not a big fan off so much responsibility, you kno-"

He stops midway through his question as he feels a weight on his shoulder.

Hawks looks down, watching your hair slide into place with the sudden movement, you not even budging at it. Your eyes are closed and your breath is calm and controlled. There's a small smile on your face.

Cute. The pro thinks, before taking a second to really think about what he just said.

He tries to erase the memory of that thought from his mind and he picks you up (you fit in his arms perfectly, and it makes him smile) and carries you to your room, placing you down gently on your comforter with a little boop on your nose and a little bit of moving your hair out of your face.

The previously (somewhat) stressed boy leaves your room with a smile grin on his lips and a small flush on his cheeks, ready for the next day to come.


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