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After being discharged from the hospital along with Iida and Shoto, Hawks buys you a shit ton of donuts and a free day to go to the mall like you wanted.

You've saved up quite a bit of money, so your trip isn't at all wasted.

You buy a couple new pairs of cute athletic gear, as well as some regular clothes. Some icy-hot too, for training.

Finally, as 5pm rolls around, you enter a boba shop around the corner for a snack and a drink before you call up Hawks.

You're off to the side, trying to pick a good flavor, when a tall guy with a long dark coat stands right next to you.

"Don't bother." he whispers to you. "You won't be orderin' anything anyways."

You raise and eyebrow. "And why's that, tall guy?"

He smirks, anticipating your reaction. He loves to see the fear on his victims faces before ruining them. "I'm about to burn this place down."

"...Huh. What did boba ever do to you?"

"Ah?" he grins down at you. "Don't tell me you're ok with this, little hero. Don't think I don't know you. You were in the sports festival."

You shrug. "Honestly, I could care less. How 'bout this, let me order so I don't waste my money, and I'll stay right out of your way. I just want a drink, man."

"I'll think about it sweetheart."

"Why do you wanna burn this place anyways? Poor little tapioca balls, doomed to die."

He chuckles, his voice rough. Kinda turns you on. "The owner? He's a lying son of a bitch. Owes me money, and since he won't pay up in cash, he's paying with his buisness."

"Reasonable." you nod along. "I once had a girl in my class owe me money for lunch, about a weeks worth. You know what she did? She made out with my boyfriend and posted a picture of them cuddling. So I jumped her."

"Wow. You don't seem too heroic, are you?"

"Heroism is subjective. I could care less what others think of me." you smile, finally deciding on two options. "Is the strawberry one better, or the classic?"

"Hm." he looks up at the board with the options. "Strawberry, I suppose."

You smile. "Thanks. Let me order and I'll leave you to your whole buring thing."

He laughs roughly, shaking his head. "You seem far more interesting. Where you off to next?"

"I wanted to check out that Chanel near by. Wanna come?" you offer. "Oh, and do you like blueberry?"

"Yeah, why?"

Your order two drinks and two cake pops. Blueberry and blueberry, strawberry and chocolate.

Handing the two blueberry items to the man,  starting in your own drink eagerly. "Oh, what's your name, by the way."

"Call me Dabi." he munches on the pop. "You, sweetheart?"

"[Name]. Why are you asking, you probably already knew-"

"Didn't want you to feel left out, sweet cheeks."

You roll your eyes, deciding to ignore the little blush on your face. You live friendly banter. "Ugh, whatever. Let's go already."

And so, Dabi follows you through a couple more stores. He's typically silent, unleas you ask him about a potential color combo or accessory, to which he gives suprisingly good advice. Somehow, you have a habit of meeting people while shopping. Strange.

"I need to go," you say, two hours after you had met the man. "Give me your number so we can do this again!! Shopping is so fun when other people are there too."

Dabi chuckles, handing you his phone to put in your contact.

Depsite the fact you're a hero in training, you don't seem like it. It intrests him. You had basically given him the 'ok' to burn down an entire buisness with so much as a blink, and was unfazed at your own potential demise. You let him, a total stranger, follow you around as if it were nothing, just to ask for him number.

"Strange girl..." he mutters to himself.

"What was that?"

"Nothin' babe. Just keep typing."

"I'm done actually." you pass him the phone. You turn around, not before blowing him a kiss. "Bye Dabiii."

He wave back at you, letting you walk off into the distance. Glancing at his phone, there's a picture if you- taken just then- with the name "pretty girl from the mall who totally didn't name this contact herself".

Laughing, he decided not to change it.

And for some reason, he feels in his gut that he'll be seeing you very, very soon.


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