♡CHAPTER 2 {Game of eyes}♡

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Chapter 2 {Game of eyes}

As they dragged Noor away from her home, her world spinning into chaos. They both dragged Noor from the car, her heart raced with a mixture of fear and confusion. The night air was cool against her skin, but there was an ominous tension in the atmosphere as they approached the imposing gates of a beautiful, large mansion.

"Where are you taking me? What is this place?" Noor's voice trembled with uncertainty, her eyes darting around the grandeur of the mansion.

Their grip on her arm tightened slightly, his voice cold and commanding.

"You'll find out soon enough. Just cooperate, and you won't get hurt."
Noor's mind raced with questions, her panic rising with each step they took through the manicured gardens and up the steps to the mansion's entrance.

The grandeur of the mansion contrasted sharply with her current predicament, adding to the surrealness of the situation.

As they crossed the threshold into the mansion, Noor's eyes widened at the opulence of the hallway the marble floors, the intricate chandeliers, and the grand staircase leading to the upper floors. It was a stark contrast to the darkness that awaited her below.

"Please, let me go. I won't tell anyone about this," Noor pleaded, her voice desperate as they led her through the lavish hallway.

Their response was curt and dismissive.
"Save your breath. You're here because someone wants you here."

"Why are you doing this?" Noor's voice trembled as she spoke into the darkness, hoping for some shred of humanity in her captors.

response was chilling in its indifference. "It's not personal. Just business."

The heaviness in Noor's chest grew as they descended a staircase that led to the basement a place where light and beauty gave way to darkness and uncertainty.

The air grew stale, the absence of light pressing down on her like a suffocating blanket.

As they reached the basement, Noor's panic reached a fever pitch. The darkness seemed to swallow her whole, her breathing quickening as she struggled to make sense of her surroundings.
The door to a small, windowless room creaked open, revealing a space devoid of light or hope.

Noor's heart sank as they pushed her inside, the heavy door slamming shut behind her with a finality that echoed in the darkness.

"I can't stay here. Please, don't leave me in the dark!" Noor's voice quivered with fear, her hands reaching out blindly for something anything to hold on to.

The voice echoed in the darkness, his words chillingly indifferent.
"You'll get used to it. Just remember, we're watching." The voice of the steps indicates that they leave.

"No please, take me out, i can't breathe.!!!". Noor started panicking. Her breathe hitched.

"I can't stay here.." Noor muttered to herself, her voice quivering with fear.But the basement was a labyrinth of shadows, each corner a potential trap, each sound a haunting echo in the void.

Noor's panic threatened to overwhelm her as she stumbled in the darkness, her hands reaching out blindly for any sign of hope.

"Is anyone there? Please, help me! Take me out!!" Noor's cries echoed off the cold walls, her voice filled with desperation.But there was no response, only the eerie silence of the basement closing in around her.

"Please turn on the lights please..!!"
Noor sank to the floor, her sobs echoing in the empty space as she grappled with the harsh reality of her captivity.

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