♡CHAPTER 4 {Tangled Moments}♡

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Chapter 4


Noor delved into her new responsibilities at the mansion, tackling cooking, cleaning, and various household chores with determination. One morning, while setting the breakfast table with meticulous care, she encountered Alex for the first time.

Initially hesitant and cautious, Noor couldn't shake off the feeling of being out of place.

As Alex joined her at the table. Alex, noticing her reserved demeanor, decided to break the ice.

"Good morning! new recruit! I'm Alex. Don't worry; I won't bite... unless there's Croissant involved!"
Alex greeted cheerfully, pouring himself a cup of coffee. Noor managed a small smile in response, her eyes still wary.

"Nice to meet you, Alex. I'm Noor. And I'll keep that in mind about the Croissant."

"Is something bothering you, or are you always this serious in the mornings?" Alex joked, trying to ease the tension.

Noor chuckled softly, relaxing a bit.
"It's just a lot to take in," she admitted, glancing at the array of breakfast dishes.

"You'll get used to the quirks around here," Alex assured her between bites of toast.

"Like the mysterious disappearances of socks in the laundry or the random dance parties that break out in the living room."

Noor couldn't help but chuckle at his antics, realizing that perhaps humor was the best way to navigate the strangeness of their situation.

By the end of breakfast, they were sharing jokes and funny stories, their initial hesitations melting away in the warmth of laughter.



Haidar, had been discreetly keeping tabs on Noor ever since their intense encounter in the basement.
His mansion was equipped with surveillance cameras, allowing him to monitor every corner without being noticed.

As days passed and Noor settled into her new role, Haidar's curiosity grew. He watched her with a keen eye, observing her every move and interaction within the mansion.

Despite maintaining a distance, he couldn't deny the intrigue she sparked within him.One evening, after a long day at the office dealing with underworld affairs, Haidar returned home.
Haidar's days were a blend of calculated business moves and subtle surveillance of Noor's integration into his mansion's daily life.

As evening descended and he returned from a long day's work, a storm brewed within him a mix of anger, curiosity, and a hint of something unexpected.

His first order was a cup of coffee, a ritual that helped him unwind.

"Jenny!" he called out, his voice tinged with irritation.

Jenny, his faithful housekeeper, appeared promptly but faltered when he demanded his coffee.

"Yes, Mr. Khan?" she asked, trying to gauge his mood.

"Where's my coffee?" Haidar demanded, his tone laced with impatience.

Jenny hesitated, stammering an apology. "I-I was just about to bring it, sir. I'll get it right away," she promised, scurrying off to the kitchen.

As Haidar waited in his study, his anger simmered beneath the surface. His thoughts lingered on Noor, her presence like a puzzle he couldn't solve.

Jenny was about to go with coffee but she remembered Something very important. So she asked Noor to give Haidar his coffee.

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