♡CHAPTER 9 {Hide & seek}♡

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Chapter 8: Hide & seek.

As the evening settled over the mansion, Haidar returned home after two weeks of being away on a mission. His mind was filled with thoughts of Noor, the woman who had captured his attention and stirred emotions he hadn't felt in a long time.

Haidar's car pulled into the driveway, the sound of gravel crunching under its tires echoing in the quiet afternoon. Noor, who had been chatting with Alex in the living room, felt a knot form in her stomach as she heard the familiar sound.

She glanced at Alex, who noticed her unease. "Is something wrong, Noor?"

Noor forced a smile, "No, nothing. Maybe I should check on something in the kitchen."

Alex nodded, sensing her discomfort, as Noor hurriedly made her way to the kitchen, her heart racing.

Noor leaned against the kitchen counter, taking deep breaths to calm herself. She whispered to herself,

"Stay calm, Noor. You can do this."

Haidar walked into the mansion, greeted by the familiar surroundings. He scanned the room, his eyes searching for a glimpse of Noor. Not finding her in the living room,

However, to his surprise and frustration, he noticed a subtle change in Noor's behavior upon his return. She seemed distant, avoiding any direct interaction with him.

He couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that had settled within him during his absence. As he walked through the corridors of his mansion, his steps purposeful yet weighted with anticipation, he resolved to confront Noor.

He found her in the kitchen, busy preparing breakfast. Her back was turned to him as she focused on her task, unaware of his presence. Haidar stood there for a moment, observing her graceful movements, feeling a mixture of frustration and longing.

Without a word, he stepped closer, his presence finally registering in Noor's awareness. She tensed slightly but didn't turn around, her hands steady as she continued chopping vegetables.

as she turned to find him standing inches away. She took a step back, only to find herself cornered against the cabinet as Haidar closed the distance between them.

"Please. " Noor's voice was barely above a whisper, but it carried a hint of urgency. Haidar halted momentarily, his gaze intense as he studied her face.

"Why are you avoiding me?" His question hung in the air, demanding an answer.

"No, I'm not," Noor's denial was swift, but her eyes betrayed a flicker of unease.

Haidar took another step closer, the space between them shrinking to mere inches.

"Don't lie to me, Noor," he said firmly, his voice tinged with frustration. Noor met his gaze, her jaw set stubbornly.

"I'm not lying. I've just been busy," she insisted, her words sounding hollow even to her own ears.

Haidar's expression softened slightly, a mix of exasperation and concern in his eyes.
"Busy with what?" he pressed, his tone gentler now. Noor hesitated, her gaze flickering away before returning to meet his.

"Just...things," she replied vaguely, evading his question.

Before Haidar could press further, Jenny's timely arrival interrupted the charged atmosphere. She entered the kitchen, her expression a mix of concern and curiosity as she observed the tense tableau before her.

Haidar took a step back, giving Noor some breathing space, though his eyes remained locked on her, silently urging her to speak.

"We were just discussing something," he replied smoothly, a mask of composure settling over his features. Jenny's gaze lingered on Noor, her maternal instincts sensing that something more was at play.

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