♡CHAPTER 15 {Decision}♡

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Chapter 15: Decisions that will change the lives.



Haidar sat in his study, a room filled with the scent of aged leather and the soft glow of antique lamps casting warm shadows on the rich mahogany furniture. The evening had settled in, bringing with it a sense of quiet introspection.

His mind was a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. The events of the previous night played like a haunting melody in his thoughts the way Noor had stood before him, her delicate frame trembling, tears silently tracing paths down her cheeks. He couldn't shake off the weight of responsibility that settled on his chest like a heavy cloak.

"It's because of me," he muttered to himself, his voice barely a whisper in the stillness of the room. "I brought her into this world of shadows and danger."

The decision loomed before him, stark and unavoidable. He knew what he had to do. He would marry Noor, not out of obligation but out of a newfound determination to protect her, to shield her from the storms he knew all too well.

The irony of it all wasn't lost on him. The man who had once harbored thoughts of revenge, who had seen Noor as a pawn in his game, now found himself falling for her innocence, for the purity of her soul that seemed untouched by the darkness that surrounded them.

He closed his eyes, trying to calm the storm of emotions raging within him. Images of Noor flooded his mind the way her eyes held a depth of understanding beyond her years, the sincerity in her voice whenever she spoke of her dreams and fears.

"She deserves better than this life," he whispered, a solemn vow to himself.

As he lost himself in these thoughts, a knock on the door interrupted him. Alex and Russo entered, their expressions a blend of curiosity and anticipation. They were like family to Haidar, trusted confidants who had stood by him through thick and thin.

"Boss," Alex said, breaking the silence, "you've been in here for hours. What's on your mind?"

Alex, always quick-witted, noticed the slight blush on Haidar's face. "Well, well, well, if it isn't our boss blushing like a schoolboy," Alex teased, a playful grin on his face. Haidar chuckled, trying to regain his composure.

"Enough with the teasing, Alex. I have something important to discuss."

Haidar took a moment to compose himself before sharing his decision with them. He waited for a while, letting the gravity of his words sink in before he spoke.

"I've made a decision," he began, his voice steady and determined. "I'm going to marry Noor."

The declaration was met with a mixture of surprise and amusement. Alex, ever the joker, couldn't resist a teasing remark.

"I always knew there was more to you than just business.!!
Well, well, look who's finally decided to join the land of the living and fall in love."

Russo, with a knowing smile, added, "You've made a wise decision, boss. Noor is a wonderful woman."

Haidar nodded, acknowledging their reactions. "I want to ensure she's protected, that she feels safe with me."

Alex's grin widened. "Boss, you're turning into a romantic. Next thing we know, you'll be writing poetry."

Haidar stare at him, "I'm serious, Alex. Noor deserves happiness, and I want to be the one to give it to her."

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