Epilogue -1

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"Why don't you get married dhriti? Do you love someone? We'll agree for your marriage maa!" She heard her father say. Her parents were becoming old and being the only child to them, they wanted her to settle down in life before they take their last breath.

"No papa, I'll think about it next year" dhriti answered as she stuffed her mouth with french toast.

"But dhriti, you're alone and we are aging. Understand us please" her mother pleaded.

"Maa, who said I'm alone?" Dhriti asked.

"YOLO" dhriti shouted and her papa and maa sighed as they knew who was coming. A dog came running towards her and started surrounding her. It was a Pomeranian and it was small and cute.

"See. I have him. He's enough"Dhriti answered kissing yolo. After that no one spoke anything. She knew her parents were worried about her. But she still can't forget him.

She went to her room and opened the wallet she bought back in college. She opened it and there was a Polaroid picture. It was a group photo that she and her friends took.

Her fingers traced his face.

She stopped herself from thinking about another man who was already engaged and is about to marry. But she couldn't stop being selfish.

'It's only me who knows this. So it's not a problem' she consoled herself every time she felt guilty as she thought about vrishank.

Even yolo knows him now. Thanks to dhriti, as she always used to talk to vrishank's picture. She always shared her happiness and sadness with him. And yolo got used to that. And that's why just like every time, yolo also sat down and looked at dhriti and the guy in the picture who he doesn't know but can recognise him if he sees vrishank.

Not only this Polaroid, she even showed yolo many pictures that she secretly stored in her phone's private safe. She didn't try to know about vrishank just like she decided.

She remembered how anjana called to check up on her after the reunion, it's not like her friends didn't call her, but anjana asked her to move on. That was the main reason and motive for her abrupt phone call to dhriti. But dhriti just agreed for the namesake and ended the call.

Her phone pinged making her bring back from his memories. She opened it and saw that it was from the group. The one which had hritvi, shivya and Navya in it. Her smile was gone when she looked at the pictures.

It was a wedding invitation.

Lavanya weds Vrishank.


There were 6 months till his wedding.

And like she always does, she muffled her cries. But she wasn't alone this time. Yolo was there beside her. He didn't knew why she was crying almost all of the time. And just like always, he went to hug her. And she didn't waste a second into bursting out.

"Let's play truth or dare. But what will make this unique is, everyone have to answer the question" hritvi said. Everyone agreed. Halfway into the game, when shivya asked dhriti a question that piqued interest in everyone. Because dhriti wasn't the type to fall in love. That's what they thought! Her friends were damn sure that she'll do an arranged marriage type.

"Here's the situation. Suppose if you fall in love with someone and he doesn't reciprocate his feelings towards you, how long are you gonna love him?" Shivya shot.

All eyes were turned to dhriti waiting for her answer as it was her turn.

"I'm gonna love him till I see him with his wife" dhriti said casting her eyes down.

She didn't wanted to look up, as she knew that if she did so, then she'll look at him with an emotion that's more than a crush and everyone will get to know.

Everyone was shocked to hear her answer. Navya and hritvi gaped at her. Shivya didn't expect that she would get to hear something that will be so pure and painful at the same time.

"So you'll stop loving him once you see him with his wife?" Charan questioned suddenly.


How's the epilogue?

Next part will have vrishank's pov ! 🤧

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