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"Love Island?"

The two were walking around the school, as Jasmine admired the walls, the portraits.

She admired all of it.

"Yeah." William confirmed. "It's literally a show so people can- never mind."

They were silent a moment before William broke it. "You remember now?"

"What made you think that?"

"You came here."

She hummed. "Why would you have love Island trouble?"

He sighed. "As much as I try with Jenna. There'll always be something I do wrong."

"Maybe you could begin with being truthful. Honesty is the best policy." Jasmine suggested. "Remember how we figured out what the Mikaelsons were?"

"How could I ever forget that?" William laughed out. "Elijah looked like he was possessed by a rabbit when he realised we saw them feeding."

Jasmine let a laugh of her own slip. "Then we laughed at their faces."

"'Cause we already knew." The two said simultaneously, laughing afterwards.

"Why are you having love Island trouble?" William questioned.

"He keeps attempting to force a truce between the Mystic Falls people and us." She sighed. "It is noble of him. But it is not right anymore. They don't deserve it."

"True that."

"True what?"


Jasmine looked around. "Where?"

"The statement." He groaned, forgetting his sister is not used to modern wording. "True to that statement."

"You could have just said that, you bloody dog." She rolled her eyes.

William widened his eyes, mocking offensivness before pushing her to the side. "Mamma would've cut your tongue if she was here."

"Thank god, she isn't."

Another moment of silence.

"How was Peony?"

William smiled a soft smile. "She had triplets."

Jasmine looked at him questioningly.

"Aaron, Corey, and Tulip." He informed. "They were born a few months after you started your nap. Sterling went poof, by me, 'Cause he had no regard for Peony."

Jasmine nodded understandingly. "Was she happy?"

"Yeah. Yeah, she was."

"Was she upset at me? For what I did to our p-"

"Never." He interuppted. "She never even thought anything of it. Said it was well overdue."


"Go get your woman, William." Jasmine smiled.

The two had spent hours upon hours exploring and him explaining what happens all around.

𝐉'𝐒 𝐋𝐔𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐁𝐘 -Elijah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now