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"You ruined everything!" William slammed his father into a wall.

Jasmine was about to move to stop her brother, but Elijah held her by the bicep. "Let him have this."

She turned to him with a glare present before ripping her arm out roughly, standing silently, watching.

Their father disappears from in front of William.

Appearing again behind Jasmine, who jumped as he spoke. "Seems the anger is inherited."

Jasmine was quick, shoving her hand in her father's chest and ripping his heart.

Everyone watched as the man fell limp.

"It appears as though it hurts a great deal."

They all turn to see the, supposedly dead man, standing.


William barrelled towards him, ripping his face off his skull, creating a bloody mess.

"What is this barbaric family you have married into?" Esther scolded her second oldest son.

"We are not any better." Elijah gave his mother a hardened stare. "Never speak of my wife or my brother in that matter."

The Mikaelsons watched on as the bloodied Adelores looked almost identical.

Their rage making them look like their father.

"Now, that one is most probably more painful." Their father leaned on the door frame. "You have created a bloody mess."



Jasmine screamed in frustration. "I ripped you apart!"

"Yes." Richard walked towards her, prompting Elijah to stand in front of her, daring the man to walk closer. "May I speak to my daughter?"

"No." Elijah clipped out.

Jasmine gave William a stare.

A conversation passing between them.

Jasmine summoned one of the daggers, throwing it at William.

He caught it with ease as he sped to his father, stabbing him in the heart and dragging it down.

"Are you going to keep killing me?" Richard appeared on one of the dining table chairs. "Or can we sit like a family and have a civilised conversation?"

Jasmine didn't speak. She just summoned one of the many weapons that were hanged on the wall, stabbing her father in the skull from the top.

"It is safe to assume you have chosen to keep killing me, correct?"

William took deep breaths, his anger rising by the moment. "Correct."

The blond man started barrelling towards his father, Kol Mikaelson decided it was time to step in, pushing his best friend back. "It is not working."

"Just a few more times." William wanted to push past him, but Kol held him back again.

"He keeps reappearing!" Kol scolded.

𝐉'𝐒 𝐋𝐔𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐁𝐘 -Elijah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now