[ 13 ] I am doomed

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• C H A P T E R   T H I R T E E N •

I tried to act like nothing happened, like I would succeed in erasing every ounce of thought I had of him from my mind. I tried to move forward with my life and let the past just be that : the past.

As if it were that simple.

Every time I tried focusing my attention on something else; images of hands tracing hair and lips hovering lips marred my mind. Not to mention the sound of his moan during our make out session which has forever been imprinted in my mind.

I had promised myself the day I returned back to Roosevelt High, that I wouldn't get involved with him and wouldn't get caught up in his sick and twisted games again.

And yet, I ended up kissing him.

How could you be so stupid?

It's almost as if I lost all my train of thoughts and my brain had lost it's ability to function in that moment. After I left the Smoothie Shack, I decided to skip my remaining period since the day ended with Physics. I was in no shape or form to face anyone else after my encounter with him.

By the time I arrived home, I locked myself in my room for the entire day while listening to some Partynextdoor. Since my dad was still at work, I was going to endure his lectures on why I shouldn't have skipped my periods later. Other then going downstairs to grab something to eat, I didn't leave my room throughout the day. As I tried to burry myself in the sound of Partynextdoor blasting through my ears and tried to catch a nap, my body wasn't responding to sleep.


Why couldn't I get him out of my head?

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I didn't want to go to school the next day. The thought of explaining to my dad that I'm sick with the flu just for the pure purpose of avoiding any confrontations at school crosses my mind.

After inwardly acknowledging the fact that this won't solve anything, I manage to get ready for school. Since I'm still grounded and can't use my car, I immediately leave the house knowing that my bus could arrive at any moment.

By the time the bus drops me near the student parking lot, I contemplate on wether or not I made a mistake by showing up to school. Nonetheless, I gather some courage and meet up with my friends.

This is Roosevelt High. There's no room for escaping your problems.

It's now time to face the music.

Aaliyah and Natalie are the first people to acknowledge me amongst the other group of students. I almost feel guilty at the sight of their genuine concern for me, especially with how I chose not to reply to either of their texts last night and how I'm planning to withhold the events that proceeded after Dean and I left the Smoothie Shack.

I greet my friends once I'm in their presence.

"You could've asked us to give you a ride to school Emery and how come I'm just hearing from Natalie that your dad seized your car?" Aaliyah inquires as she shakes her head.

I slowly shrug. "It slipped my mind but I figured Natalie would tell you anyway."

"And speaking of things that have slipped your mind lately, you have yet to reveal what happened between you and Dean yesterday." Natalie says while observing me suspiciously.

"You also didn't answer your phone calls yesterday so that can't be a good sign." Aaliyah adds.

I force out an unfazed expression. "Nothing happened guys. After he willingly dragged me out of the Smoothie Shack, I was able to pull away from his grip in no time, and that's when we parted ways."

Fool Me Twice, Shame On Me ✓Where stories live. Discover now