[ 33 ] The Camp Trip - Part One

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• C H A P T E R 

T H I R T Y T H R E E •

"Are you sure you didn't forget anything?" My dad questions once we arrive at the airport around seven o'clock in the morning before he proceeds to pay for a short-term parking.

I nod my head in excitement. "Don't worry dad, I didn't."

The beginning of Spring Break arrives immediately after christmas period and I couldn't be more ecstatic because this also marks the start of the camp trip as well. The previous night, I made sure to pack all the necessary clothing, shoes and toiletry essentials for the travel.

Since the weather in British Columbia is currently low, most of the clothes I packed consist of long-sleeved shirts and sweaters.

My dad wears an unreadable expression, allowing silence to reign for a few moments. He then outstretches his hand toward the glove compartment placed in front of me before opening it. After retrieving a small box from the storage he locks the latch before he gestures me to take the box from his hand.

I stare at him in utter puzzlement before grabbing a hold of the box.

My eyes widen at least the size of golf balls upon analyzing the object closely.

A box of condoms.

My mouth widens in incredulity as my brain's processing what just occurred.

He avoids my gaze as he says, "Look Emery, since you're leaving the country for more than a week, I won't be there to supervise you therefore, I just want you to be safe especially at a time when you have teenage hormones."

Oh Lord, how have things turned so awkward in just a span of nanoseconds?

Never have we discussed anything about my sexual life and he has never initiated the 'talk' until now. It is astonishing that we're having this conversation in addition to him giving me the permission to travel with my schoolmates when this topic was always on the back of his mind.

"Thanks," Is all I manage to say while hoping to be rescued from the awkwardness of the conversation.

My dad audibly clears his throat before he swiftly steps out of the car to remove my rolling luggage from the boot. I proceed to snatch my shoulder bag from the back seat before shoving the box in it. My level of gratitude for having brought the bag with me increases at a staggering rate because never would I want to be caught dead with a box of condoms in front of the airport.

Once I step out of the vehicle, I head towards the boot before coming to an abrupt halt in front of him.

"Don't forget to call me once you've landed safely," he begins frankly, "and I'm just a ring away in case of an emergency."

I nod my head in appreciation and he accompanies me towards the airport terminal before we pass through the automatic transparent sliding doors of the building.

The building is filled with many airport passengers thus the cause behind the noisy sound of crowd talk. Subsequently, I survey the area to locate the departure terminal of my airline as we navigate our way through the building while bumping into passengers as well.

One would think that there wouldn't be a huge number of people at the airport this early in the morning but I wrongly assumed.

As soon as I'm able to identify my airline from across the room, I bid my dad farewell and seize my luggage from his grasp before withdrawing from his presence. The familiar faces of Roosevelt seniors and teachers come into sight as I head towards their direction while zigzagging through stanchions.

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