[ 26 ] Revelations

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[For future references]

At the beginning of chapter 21, after meeting her mom and fiancé at the café, Emery ended up meeting one of her dad's employees named Melvin. 

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T W E N T Y   S I X

We end up postponing the date until tomorrow night once I inform him of my plans with Anthony for tonight.

He refuses to reveal where the date would take place since he wanted it to be a surprise. It's cute and all but the one thing I don't like is a surprise. If he discloses the location, I mentally would've planned the ideal outfit to wear.

When I interrogate him of how I should be dressed for the occasion, the only response I get from him is to wear something casual.

It's driving me insane, not knowing where he's taking me.

After our conversation, we disperse and head to our respective class.

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I don't expect Aaliyah to come and talk to me after the last period of school. As many students were dashing off to the exit doors of Roosevelt High, I was arranging my books in my locker up until I saw her approaching figure.

She cautiously glances around like she's in some mystery detective movie.

My face contorts with suspicion.

"What do you want?" I query in a moment of bafflement. "Is there something I can help you with?"

Her lips set in a hard line before she rolls her eyes. "I know we're not exactly on speaking terms but climb off that high horse of yours will yah?"

A blank expression colors my expression, as I'm unable to fathom her statement since I sounded anything but argumentative.

"Look," she begins in ambivalence. "I know we're not friends right now but I just thought that you should watch your back around Stacey."

Although I'm touched by her concern despite the way we ended things, her forewarning isn't any news to me. That is due to the fact that, I'm already aware of how to act around the she-devil.

"Let me guess?" I trail off, my voice laced with bitterness. "You guys were talking shit about me earlier."

Her silence is all the answer I need.

An abrupt look of offence adorns her face before she tightens her jaw. "If you're entailing that I'd bad-mouth you regardless of where we currently stand, then that means you never really knew me well enough to begin with.

"Stacey was the one who came to me and just straight up bashed you out, thinking that I'd be keen to do the same after the blowout. She disclosed how she couldn't wait until you finally got what was coming to you. When I asked her to elaborate, she told me that she didn't trust me enough to reveal anything because she was afraid I'd tell you."

My eyebrows draw together.

Tormenting me is becoming Stacey's obsession and for that, she needs to be hospitalized. I decide not to let this piece of information get to me and briefly nod my head in appreciation.

She could've kept it to herself but despite everything she didn't and it shows that she still cares.

"Thanks for letting me know. Stacey's just being delusional since she thinks that Lina is out to get me because I'm seeing Noel, whom Stacey thinks Lina has a crush on." I disclose derisively.

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