[ 22 ] War has been declared

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This chapter is dedicated to crooked nights for the gorgeous cover, thank you.

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  •  C H A P T E R  

T WE N T Y T W O  •

"Emery, I like you."

His words are enough, to nearly make me jump out of my skin.

I find myself blinking repeatedly, to be sure that I heard him correctly.

For what seems like forever, a weird sensation spreads through me as we gaze into each other's eyes.

"I caught you off guard again, didn't I?" he queries teasingly, trying to lighten the mood.

We're still moulded against each other, his arm still wrapped around my waist. Swiftly, I choose to break the contact.

"Come on Buttercup," he begins pleadingly this time, "say something."

Realization dawns on me, as soon as I take into consideration that he might be joking.

Finally, I find my voice. "Ha ha, Noel. . .stop joking around, you almost had me there for a second." I blurt out awkwardly, before striding to the opposite direction.

Hurriedly, he maneuvers himself in front of me and I rear backwards abruptly. With a look of frustration on his face, he says intensely. "This isn't a joke Emery, can't you see that?"

I do a double take while his eyes are fixated on me.

Gosh, how can I even begin to speak when he's looking at me like that?

My heart capitulates once he gently places a hand on my cheek. "I like you a lot, and I want to explore where this could go, only if you allow it."

Somebody call the ambulance, for I'm having a serious case of an heart attack right this instant.

Do I have feelings for him, as well?

I mean, I'm not going to stand here and lie by convincing myself that there hasn't somewhat, been a sort of attraction between us.

But, does it go beyond that?

His eyes are still gazing into mine, and I can see how nervous he is for the first time. He usually carries himself in total assertiveness although, he appears to be apprehensive about the response I'm going to give him.

"I don't know if I can trust myself to feel again." I confide in a low tone, before darting my eyes from his, to the ceramic tile. "I've been hurt one too many times."

Slowly, Noel tilts my chin so our eyes could meet. "Hey, all I know is that I truly want to take you out on a date. I know you have trust issues, but please drop your guards down just this once and give us a chance. I'm not going to hurt you."

Silence reigns as I contemplate his words.

A few seconds pass, before I'm the first to speak. "I don't really know what I want, to be honest."

He slightly looks saddened by my words, but momentarily, he brushes his lips against my ear.

"At least think about it," he whispers, making my heartbeat accelerate ten times faster. "Just try to see, if you can imagine us in a relationship, that's all I ask."

He pulls away and captures my gaze as he says, " Because I know I sure can."

That's the last thing he tells me, before he whirls around to take his retreat.

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