give me love

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Give me love : obviously inspiration from ed sheeran

My my my oh give me love my my my oh give me love Stiles sang as he walked past Lydia martin his one and true love wondering she would figure it out herself he could wait he had his 10 year plan to make her fall in love with him the he meet with his best friend Scott who was adorable with his big brown eyes and goofy smiles when stiles needed uplifted. Don’t get him wrong he didn’t like scott like that he totally loved him some lydia but it was just scott was adorable and he wondered why he was single and the scott tripped and fell face to floor 3 seconds flat. That’s why stiles had many of the same quick painful conversations with the ground and they’ve become good acquaintances which wouldn’t surprise anyone if the got to know stiles hell if you knew stiles for 5 minutes you’d know his the kinda guy to trip on nothing but air. But being the good best friend he was he just saved the laugh he had later and helped his friend up and said you know running is dangerous right? Scott snorted so is that your excuse for not running during lacrosse practice? No its no actually I just have some stuff over finstocks head. Smirking at his friend then realizing the tickets expired today at noon. Crap I forgot the tickets expire today. Ha ha ha scott began an uncontrollable fit of laughter until he needed his inhaler. Stiles had the thought to just kick it away make him regret it. Just a thought the five minute bell rang behind them well by scott see ya running straight to his class which was science AP. So the put him in a class for his IQ for the first time great he said 16 and a non nerd looking nerd just where I wanna be in high school at the bottom where lydia wont even notice me. He just plopped down to a blondish haired looking dude must be new he thought. He stretched out and tapped him the guy flinches off the chair and immediately his helping the guy with an even more adorable expression the scotts on his face I. And then I hated my life because I said it out loud and like really loud. Everyone just stared at me with one of two expressions on the Oh My God did he really just say that or wow hes gay that’s something and the guy just stared at me like I shot him in the face so I said sorry for that and sat back down and he sat to but kept starring the whole class at the end I asked what was wrong with what I said beside that I said it out loud. Nothing he said its just hat ive always been told that im an ugly disgusting waste of space and well it was weird to hear someone say different thanks he said with a hug and then blushing said I’m Isaac and I of course having no mouth filter said your adorable and I’m stiles. Crap I said it out loud again I'm- cut off with another hug bye stiles Isaac said. um bye I replied onto second period.

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